Update Log Photomatix Pro for Mac

Upload log Photomatix Pro for Windows is here

28-Sep-19: Updated in v6.1.3

  • Support for new camera models including Fuji X-T30, Sony A6400, Olympus E-M1X and Nikon A1000, Z6 and Z7.
  • Bugs fixed: Gpano XMP data in source images were not preserved in the saved final image.
  • Bugs fixed: The '360º image' box for the Fusion/Natural method on the 'Adjust & Preview' window didn't show as checked when the option was turned on.
  • Bugs fixed: When run from the Lightroom plugin, Photomatix Pro didn't return to Lightroom after processing and reimport, if Finishing Touch window was disabled.

15-Oct-18: Updated in v6.1.2

  • Bug fixed: The final image was mistakenly converted to sRGB just before saving it, while the original colour profile was still embedded in the saved image, resulting in some of its colours looking more saturated.

    The bug had been introduced in v6.1 where it happened when the image was saved at a lower size, but made worse in version 6.1.1 where it also happened with the image saved at full resolution.
  • Bug fixed: When using custom tone mapping/fusion settings with the Batch Bracketed Photos or Batch Single Photos, HDR and color settings changed by the user weren't taken into account. The bug had been introduced in v6.1.

24-Sep-18: Updated in v6.1.1

  • Bug fixed: On macOS Mojave, the 'About Photomatix Pro' panel didn't show when invoked from the 'Photomatix Pro' menu.
  • Bug fixed: The 'Check exposures' report systematically indicated that the most overexposed photos may not cover the darkest parts of the scene well, regardless of how bright the overexposed photos were.
  • Bug fixed: Once a size other than full size had been selected when saving an image, the save panel systematically defaulted to the lower size even when Full Size had been selected in a previous session.
  • Bug fixed: When loading photos missing exif data or sharing the same exposure with the dark colour scheme, it was difficult to adjust an EV entry as its text had almost the same color as its background.

6-Aug-18: Updated in v6.1

Main updates in v6.1
  • Dark Color Scheme option: The windows where you adjust and finish the image have been refreshed with a dark color theme, and you can choose between a Light and Dark color scheme for the other windows.
  • Dual White Balance for HDR merge: When processing bracketed sets of RAW images, you can assign a different white balance to the brighter and the darker images.
  • Lasso Tool: The selective adjustment tools now include a lasso in addition to the existing brush option, allowing easy selection of geometric areas such as windows that need different color or blending settings.
  • The sliders for adjusting the HDR image have been made much more responsive.
  • Support for compressed Fuji RAW files, Canon mRAW files and 12-bit NEF files.
Other updates in v6.1
  • 'Check Exposures' option when loading a bracketed photos set to help you assess how well the photos cover the brightness range of the scene.
  • Improved performance of brush tool, resulting in a smoother painting experience.
  • The brush tool can now use either a round or square brush, and you can set the sensitivity for edge-detection.
  • Option to set the preset thumbnail filter to the 'Real Estate' category by default.
  • Addition of 'Very Mild' contrast preset to Finishing Touch.
  • Brush tool's Undo option now undoes an entire stroke, not just a mouse movement
  • Ability to remove a specific Brush/Lasso Selection by just right-clicking on it.
  • Bugs fixed: When working with RAW files, very dark areas of the scene could have a green tinge.
  • Bugs fixed: On some computers, the app could crash just before loading the 'Adjust & Preview' window when the preset thumbnail list was set to display on two columns.
  • Bugs fixed: The 'Mild' contrast preset on the Finishing Touch window was too strong.

21-Sep-17: Updated in v6.0.3

  • Support for RAW files from the Canon 6D Mark II.
  • Automatic lens corrections of RAW files taken with a lens that Photomatix recognizes.
  • When dragging multiples files to Photomatix Pro, a dialog is now displayed to give the choice between merging the files to HDR or opening each file individually. The dialog can be set not to appear on the 'Files' tab of the Preferences window.
  • The window appearing at start up when using Photomatix Pro in trial mode can now be closed via the window's top left 'Close' button.
  • The "refresh preview continuously as slider moves" option on the 'General' tab of the Preferences window is now the default option.
  • Bug fixed: Batch processing with presets from the Fusion/Natural or Fusion/Interior methods and with the 'Remove ghosts' option enabled resulted in an unexpectedly dark image.
  • Bug fixed: On macOS High Sierra, Photomatix Pro crashed just after closing it.
  • Bug fixed: When adjusting Details Enhancer settings on the 'Adjust & Preview' window, checking or unchecking the 'Lighting Effects Mode' box didn't change the Preview.
  • Bug fixed: When leaving the final HDR rendered image opened in Photomatix Pro, and then loading and merging a second set of bracketed photos, attempting to quit Photomatix Pro while on the 'Adjust & Preview' window resulted in a hang.
  • Bug fixed: The brush outline disappeared when drawing strokes using the Brush Tool.
  • Bug fixed: When the 'Upon opening a 32-bit HDR file: Show HDR Viewer' option was checked in Preferences, the HDR viewer didn't display anything.
  • Bug fixed: When using the Brush Tool to adjust colors, undoing a previous selection didn't remove the brush strokes of the previous selection from the Preview.
  • Bug fixed: When Photomatix is used in trial mode and the final image is saved at a size lower than full size, the watermark removal option available after registration didn't always work as expected.

4-Jul-17: Updated in v6.0.2

  • Bug fixed: With images in landscape mode, the 'Adjust & Preview' window sometimes opened with the Preview image not fitting in the available height, requiring scrollbars.
  • Bug fixed: When processing photos using the Photomatix Plugin for Lightroom, the rendered image re-imported into Lightroom was missing many of its metadata. The bug was already present in version 5, but another bug made it more noticeable in version 6 in the case when a bracketed set is processed.
  • Bug fixed: Support for Raw files from Sony A6000, A6300 and A6500 didn't work anymore. Bug had been introduced in version 6.0.1.
  • Bug fixed: When using the Straightening Tool on the Finishing Touch window (with default Preferences options), the image didn't refresh until the slider was released .
  • Bug fixed: When saving a 32-bit merged HDR image as Floating Point TIFF, the metadata were missing from the saved image.
  • Bug fixed: When clicking back and forth between a Tone Balancer preset and a Fusion/Natural or Fusion/Interior preset, the preview image didn't always reflect the clicked Tone Balancer preset.
  • Bug fixed: When processing photos created as virtual copies in Lightroom and exported via the Lightroom plugin, the dialog inviting to adjust the exposures didn't show.

30-May-17: Updated in v6.0.1

  • Added Raw support for a few more camera models, such as the Canon 77D and 800D, Nikon D3400 and D5600, Olympus E-PL8 and E-M1Mark II, Pentax K-70 and K-P, and Panasonic G8, GF9 and GH5, among others.
  • Bug fixed: Canon 5D Mark IV Raw files shot in sRaw/mRaw mode, or at ISO settings higher than 400 were not supported.

21-May-17: Updated in v6.0

Main new features in v6.0
  • New HDR rendering method called Tone Balancer, which is good for realistic-looking results. It is well suited to real estate photographers and natural style landscape photographers who want more realistic style options.
  • A new color adjustment tool, built right into the HDR Rendering panel, allows to change the hue, saturation and brightness of individual colors in your image, which is particularly useful for fixing color casts.
  • A Brush Tool allowing to make adjustments to just part of the image, by selecting the changes to color or brightness, and painting over the area to adjust. The brush can also be used to blend areas with one of the source photos and select multiple effects for different parts of the image, and includes a "Detect Edges" option.
  • For a more realistic look, the HDR rendered image can ben blended with one of the original photos. The Opacity setting allows to get a larger or smaller influence on the end result.
  • A Straightening Tool correct the horizon in the image if it's not level, or when vertical things like walls or buildings don't look vertical. The tool is part of the Finishing Touch palette.
  • A more intuitive workflow makes it easier to load and choose images and proceed through to editing, whether working with a single image, or a bracketed set of photos.
Other updates in v6.0
  • Support of Raw files from the Canon 5D MK IV, Sony A99 MK II and Panasonic GH5 camera models.
  • Added option to resize images when saving.
  • Added Luminance setting to Contrast Optimizer rendering method.
  • Added Split View option in Adjust & Preview window to show original and rendered image side by side.
  • Improved the Crop Tool and added presets for common aspect ratios. The Crop Tool is now part of the Finishing Touch window.
  • Updated Raw conversion to give better better looking results for fusion.
  • 8-Jun-16: Updated in v5.1.3

    • Support of RAW files from recent camera models, such as the Canon 80D and 1300D/T6, Nikon D5 and D500, Olympus Pen-F and E-M10 II, Pentax K-1, Panasonic GX8, Fuji X-10 and Samsumg NX3300, among others.
    • Enabled Minimize button on the 'Adjust & Preview' window, as well as the application's main window.
    • Updated Smooth 3 preset.
    • Bug fixed: Default JPEG quality was still 80, even though it was supposed to have been changed back to 100 in v5.1.2.

    24-Feb-16: Updated in v5.1.2

    • Support for uncompressed Sony RAW files.
    • Bug fixed: Loading Fuji E-X2 RAW files since the v4 firmware upgrade made Photomatix Pro crash.
    • Bug fixed: Adding the watermark to an image with unusual width and height could cause a crash in specific cases.
    • Changed back the default JPEG quality to 100, which is as it was in v5.0 and earlier, instead of a quality of 80 set since version 5.1.0.

    18-Oct-15: Updated in v5.1.1

    • Added Apple's Photos app to the list of apps the saved image may be opened in.
    • Bug fixed: When loading RAW files from the Nikon D810, resulting image had incorrect colors. Bug had been introduced in version 5.1.

    5-Sep-15: Updated in v5.1

    • Support for recent camera models such as the Nikon D7200 and Canon 5DS/5DSR, G7X, M3, and 750D/760D (T6i/T6s).
    • Ability to mark presets as Favorites (by clicking on the 'star' icon to the left of each thumbnail) and filter the preset list to only show those favorites.
    • Fusion/Real-Estate renamed into Fusion/Interior and now includes a Brightness setting.
    • Addition of "Architecture" category to filter Presets.
    • By default, the preset name or method name is now appended to the file name of the final image. You can also adjust the suffix in the Preferences panel.
    • On Batch of Bracketed Photos, addition of Base Exposure option for deghosting.
    • The alignment is now done with one alignment method for all cases. The alignment settings (perspective correction option and maximum alignment shift) can be pre-selected via an Alignment Preset pull-down menu.
    • "License Information" panel shows the license status, as well as the license key if a Photomatix Pro copy has already been registered on the computer.
    • The Batch Bracketed Photos and Batch Single Photos windows have been rearranged. The source and destination controls are now all on the left hand side, while the processing options are on the right. Other options have also been moved or renamed slightly, but all the features in version 5.0 are still available in version 5.1.  
    • When loading bracketed photos with different orientation (i.e. inverted width and height), a prompt offers the option to rotate the photo(s) to the same orientation.
    • Batch Single Photo now offers options for adding Contrast and Sharpening.
    • JPEG quality default value is now 80 instead of 100.
    • Addition of two built-in Presets ('Interior 3' and 'Smooth 3') under the Architecture category.
    • Bug fixed: When saving a custom preset while the "My presets" tab is selected, the saved preset didn't show on the thumbnail list, requiring that the user refreshes the list to see it.
    • Bug fixed: On the Deghosting Options dialog with 'Automatic Deghosting' selected, the Brightness slider had no effect, unless the Zoom slider or other control affecting the Preview had been changed.
    • Bug fixed: In the case of 32-bit HDR file, the last location when the file was saved was not remembered.
    • Bug fixed: On the Advanced Selection panel with the option to automatically detect bracketed sets selected, the maximum number of frames to consider was reset to 3 when the "Bracketed sets may have an even number of frames" was checked.

    29-Oct-14: Updated in v5.0.5

    • Added support for recent camera models such as the Panasonic GH4 and Nikon D750 and D810.
    • On Batch Bracketed Photos, resizing options now differentiate between landscape and portrait orientation (by letting the user resize the long and short edge instead of width and height), and offer the ability to automatically set the short edge based on the long edge.
    • Bug fixed: Processing Nikon D600 Raw files could result in pink highlights. (Bug had been fixed in version 4.2.7 but reintroduced in version 5.0)
    • Bug fixed: With some specific images, the Batch Bracketed Photos could crash when the "perspective correction" option was left unchecked.
    • Bug fixed: The '360º image' option of the Fusion/Real-Estate method did not work.
    • Bug fixed: The Fusion/Real-Estate method didn't properly support 64-bit addressing, resulting in incorrect result when fusing a relatively high number of large files, such as 7 or more 200 MegaPixels panoramas for instance.
    • Bug fixed: When a single Jpeg or Tiff file is tone mapped and 'Yes' chosen when prompted on whether to apply the noise reduction, the 'Redo with Other Settings' feature did not work, hanging the application.
    • Bug fixed: Loading ZIP-compressed TIFF files coming from an iPhone could hang the application. Bug fixed: Batch Bracketed Photos didn't list the Fusion/Auto Preset.

    24-May-14: Updated in v5.0.4

    • Added support for Raw files from recent camera models, such as the Sony A6000, Canon 1200D, and Nikon D4s, D3300 and Coolpix P340.
    • Bug fixed: Images with a very high aspect ratio caused a crash upon loading the tonemapping/fusion windows.
    • Bug fixed: When merging a high number (e.g. 20 or more) of bracketed images, the alignment could fail due to improver 64-bit addressing.
    • Bug fixed: Choosing "Utilities->Crop" without having selected an area to crop did not display the information message instructing how to use the Crop feature. Bug had been introduced in v5.0.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when processing images in greyscale mode (i.e. with one color channel per pixel).
    • Bug fixed: Batching images in greyscale mode with Contrast Optimizer method and output file set as 16-bit Tiff did not produce correct result.
    • Bug fixed: Loading a custom Preset saved for a Fusion method with the "360º image" option set to Yes did not check the "360º image" box.

    10-Mar-14: Updated in v5.0.3

    • Bug fixed: When Nikon D610 RAW files were loaded, resulting image had red lines on the border. Bug had been introduced in v5.0.2.
    • Bug fixed: When dragging image files to the Photomatix Pro icon while Photomatix Pro had not yet been opened, the "Merge to HDR Options" dialog showed behind the background window.
    • Bug fixed: Moving sliders of the Finishing Touch dialog did not refresh the image until slider was released, even though the "refresh continuously as slider moves" option was set in Preferences.
    • Bug fixed: Sony RAW files with the SRW file extension could not be loaded from the Open Panel to load a single photo.

    11-Feb-14: Updated in v5.0.2

    • Added support for RAW files of recent camera models such as the Nikon Df, Pentax K-3, and Sony A7 and A7R.
    • On Batch Bracketed Photos, added a "Previous Session (non-batch)" item to the list of the Preset pop-up menu.
    • Changed the item selected by default on the File Format combo-box for saving tonemapped/fused images from TIFF to JPEG (selected item is "sticky", so change only affects first use).
    • Bug fixed: When using the Lightroom Plugin to export to Photomatix Pro on Mac OS 10.9, Photomatix Pro would sometimes not open when the OS is set to a language other than English.
    • Bug fixed: Alignment for the "taken on tripod" option did not support 64-bit addressing, which resulted in a crash when aligning a bracketed set composed of a very high number of bracketed photos.
    • Bug fixed: On Batch Bracketed Photos, separators disappeared from the list of the Preset pop-up menu when the Filter was used.
    • Bug fixed: On Batch Bracketed Photos, the dialog for entering custom settings or multiple presets referred to custom settings as "User Preset" in the 'Settings Type' column of the Preset list box.

    31-Dec-13: Updated in v5.0.1

    • Added support for D610 RAW files.
    • Bug fixed: Incorrect result when using the Batch Bracketed Photos with a set having two or more images at the same exposure.
    • Bug fixed: Option in Preferences to start Tone Mapping with default settings did not work.
    • Bug fixed: Tooltip bug for Micro-Smoothing setting was wrong.

    20-Nov-13: Updated in v5.0

    Main new features in v5.0
    • New Tone Mapping method named Contrast Optimizer. It is good at producing realistic-looking results while still enhancing shadows and highlights. You can access it via the 'Balanced' preset (second on the list).
    • New Fusion method called Fusion/Real-Estate. It is intended for rendering interior scenes with a view out of the window. It replaces the Fusion/Realistic method available in batch mode in version 4.2.
    • Option to enable Exposure Fusion when a single RAW file is loaded.
    • Automatic Deghosting offers additional options: You can adjust the Deghosting strength and select the base exposure used, with the help of a preview of the deghosted image.
    • Updates in Batch of Bracketed Photos: You can now select a Preset directly from the main batch window, and can also process with multiple presets and custom settings.
    • More options on Workflow Shortcuts panel. In particular, ability to return with one click to the last session to process the image again with different settings.
    • Option to refresh Preview continuously as slider moves. You can enable it on the General section of the Preferences dialog.
    Other updates in v5.0
    • Significant improvements to alignment of hand-held images.
    • Automatic highlight recovery is now used before tone mapping a single RAW file.
    • When using Photomatix Pro via the Lightroom Plugin, photos part of a Collection are now re-imported into the Collection.
    • Interface is now set to "Unified Window" by default, which makes the 'Overview Shortcuts' panel become an app frame window and the Setting Adjustments, Preview and Preset Thumbnails show in one single window.
    • Contextual help for Merge to HDR Options shows in a help frame.

    24-May-13: Updated in v4.2.7

    • Updated Raw conversion to add support for Raw files from the Nikon D7100, Panasonic GH3 and Sony NEX-5R.
    • Bug fixed: On Settings Adjustment panel, "360 image" box was enabled for images in portrait orientation.
    • Bug fixed: Issue of pink highlights happening with some D600 Raw files.

    20-Jan-13: Updated in v4.2.6

    • Updated Raw conversion to add support for recent camera models such as the Canon 6D, G15, S110, or Sony A99 among others.
    • Bug fixed: On Mac OX 10.4, processing images with Fusion/Natural resulted in a crash. On more recent Mac OS X versions, the same bug made the multithreading of Fusion/Natural fail to work properly.

    18-Nov-12: Updated in v4.2.5

    • Added check to detect when bracketed photos were dragged from Aperture and display a message informing that low resolution previews may have been loaded in this case.
    • Added support for Raw files from the Nikon D600.
    • Updated graphics to optimize them for high resolution Retina display.
    • Bug fixed: Batch listed files with missing leading zeros (e.g. image99 and image100) in alphanumerical order which resulted in listing image100 before image99.
    • Bug fixed: Camera manufacturer information ('Make' tag) was not always transferred to the saved image.
    • Bug fixed: Items of the 'Utilities' were enabled on a 32-bit intermediary HDR image prior to tonemapping and fusion whereas the actions of the items could not be applied to fusion.

    23-Aug-12: Updated in v4.2.4

    • Bug fixed: On Retina display, selection for deghosting or replacing a region was not working properly.
    • Bug fixed: When batch processing Raw or 16-bit files with fusion methods and with a Contrast and/or Sharpen preset selected, output was incorrect when saved as jpeg or tiff 8-bit.
    • Bug fixed: After having added an application to open the saved image in, that application was not remembered the next time the save panel is invoked.
    • Bug fixed: When the option to bypass all processing is set in Preferences and Raw files are loaded, no color profile was applied.
    • Bug fixed: On Mac OS 10.8, batch report did not display while progressing.
    • Updated Raw conversion to add support for recent camera models such as the Canon 650D / T4i.
    • Lightroom Plug-in: Added naming options for the re-imported file and fixed issue of GPS location metadata being removed on export from Lightroom 4.

    1-July-12: Updated in v4.2.3

    • Bug fixed: Canon Raws shot in SRAW/MRAW mode were not converted properly.
    • Bug fixed: With some specific image width and height, tone mapping with Details Enhancer in Lighting Effects mode could cause a very dark output and/or artifacts at the left and/or bottom of the image. Bug had been introduced in version 4.2.2.
    • Added support for DNG files created with the Embed Fast Load Data option.
    • Bug fixed: On Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5, error message was returned when running in batch mode.

    8-June-12: Updated in v4.2.2

    • Bug fixed: Intermittent crash when using the Finishing Touch feature.
    • Bug fixed: Automatic deghosting option was not taken into account when loaded files were exported from Lightroom via the 'Export to Photomatix Pro' plugin.
    • Workaround to ViewNX bug: Using ViewNX to browse files saved with Photomatix made the Mac ViewNX (Mac version only) crash when the files were produced from photos taken with a Nikon camera. The workaround is to transfer only part of the metadata when View NX is installed on the computer and when processing photos taken with Nikon camera.
    • Bug fixed: On the pop-up menu to open the saved image on the Save dialog, the option to select an application other than the ones listed did not work.

    24-May-12: Updated in v4.2.1

    • Bug fixed: On Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5, error message was popping up after having saved a processed image. Bug was introduced in v4.2.0.
    • Bug fixed: On Mac OS 10.5, tone mapping a single JPEG or TIFF file made the application crash. Bug was introduced in v4.2.0.
    • Bug fixed: When exporting bracketed photos to Photomatix Pro via the Lightroom plugin with the "Automatically reimport into Lightroom library" option checked, a temporary file was not deleted.
    • Bug fixed: 32-bit HDR files saved as 32-bit Floating Point TIFF were displayed very overexposed when opened in Photoshop or Lightroom 4.1.

    30-Apr-12: Updated in v4.2

      Main new features in v4.2
    • Display options for preset thumbnails: View at a larger size or in two columns, and filtering built-in presets by category.
    • Simplified size options on Preview dialog: Size ratio mechanism replaced by magnifier icons for zooming in or out at 20% increments.
    • "Finishing Touch" palette for post-processing a tonemapped or fused image: Options for increasing contrast, adjusting the saturation of individual colors, and sharpening.
    • Addition of 20 built-in presets.
    • New fusion method designed to produce natural-looking rendering of interiors with bright windows. This method is called Fusion/Realistic and is only accessible in batch mode. Note that Fusion/Realistic requires much longer processing times than the other methods.
    • Transfer of all EXIF metadata in the source photos to the tonemapped or fused image.
    Other updates in v4.2
    • Option to import presets. The option is accessible from the Preset Category combo-box when the "My Presets" tab is selected.
    • Changes in the Details Enhancer algorithm aimed at addressing the issue of difference between the preview and final image that may occur in some cases.
    • Custom presets can now be organized in groups. Presets belonging to a group are listed under a sub-menu of the Preset combo-box list of the Setting Adjustments dialog, as well as on the Preset Category combo-box of the Preset Thumbnails panel when the "My Presets" tab is selected.
    • Option in Batch of Bracketed Photos for reducing the size of the output files, and adding contrast and sharpening.
    • Added support for Raw files from the Canon S100, 5D Mark III and G1 X, Nikon D4 and D800, Panasonic GX1, Fuji X10 and Sony NEX-7.
    • Various small improvements to the dialog for entering EVs that is showing when the source photos do not contain exif metadata or when one or more exposures are the same. In the latter case, the dialog now lists the exposure information read from the EXIF metadata.
    • Option in Batch Single Photos for adding a suffix to the output file name.
    • In Naming Options of Batch Bracketed Photos, ability to only use the name of the first file in the bracketed set to compose the file name of the combined image.
    • Added support of undo and redo keys (cmd+Z/cmd+shift+Z) to Setting Adjustments window as shortcut to the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons.
    • File created in batch mode is automatically renamed if a file with the same file name already exists.
    • Ability to open saved image in another application now also available when saving a 32-bit HDR file.
    • Added detection of DNG files saved with Fast Load Data option, returning an error message when loading them instead of processing incorrectly.
    • Option in Preferences to save EXR files without Mac OS X Image I/O framework in order to avoid normalizing the floating point values before writing them.
    • Made watermark removal accessible to licensed users of Photomatix Essentials and Photomatix HDR Plug-In for Aperture.
    • Bug fixed: Memory leak when the "Show intermediary 32-bit image" box is checked.
    • Bug fixed: Clicking on the "Preview sample..." button of the White Balance setting section of the Preprocessing dialog prompted to a directory other than the directory of the loaded bracketed Raw files.
    • Bug fixed: Histogram did not refresh when coming back to the tonemapped/fused preview image by unchecking the 'Preview' box.

    20-Dec-11: Updated in v4.1.3

    • Bug fixed: When processing a single file, other than a 32-bit HDR file, with the Tone Compressor method, an error message was returned.

    20-Nov-11: Updated in v4.1.2

    • Updated RAW conversion function, adding among others support of RAW files from Olympus E-PL3, Nikon P7100, and Sony A77 and A65.
    • Bug fixed: Using a function from the 'Utilities' menu on an 8 or 16-bit image made the image display with an incorrect color profile.

    2-Oct-11: Updated in v4.1.1

    • Updated Raw conversion function, adding support of Raw files from the Olympus E-P3, Leica D-LUX 6 and V-LUX 2, Panasonic G3/G3F, and Sony NEX-C3 and SLT-A35.
    • Bug fixed: When processing jpeg files that do not have an embedded color profile, tone mapping again with the same settings after having undone the tone mapping did not produce the same output.
    • Bug fixed: The exposure of 32-bit HDR image file created with deghosting on was 9 to 10 stops higher than exposure of 32-bit HDR image file created without deghosting. Bug prevented to stitch 32-bit HDR files when some of the frames needed deghosting and others not.
    • Bug fixed: When height of source image is particularly height (e.g. 10500 pixels high), using the options for reducing chromatic aberrations caused bands of color artifacts in the upper side of the image.
    • Bug fixed: When the Settings Adjustment window was positioned on the left after loading but was then moved to the right, clicking on the "Fit to screen" button at large preview sizes resulted in a preview reduced to a narrow vertical band.
    • Bug fixed: On 10.4/Tiger, export to Photomatix Pro via Lightroom plugin failed.

    16-Jul-11: Updated in v4.1

    • Ability to select a region on the Tone Mapping/Fusion preview and replace it with a source photo. A "Selection Mode" option on the Preview window lets users select one or more regions with lasso tools and replace the selected region with one of the source image(s). "Attach to Edges" button automatically adjusts the selection to follow the nearest edges.
    • Improved automatic ghosting reduction: more ghosts removed and less artifacts.
    • Addition of Sharpness setting to Fusion/Adjust method.
    • Improvements to Fusion/Intensive method: several times faster and better results.
    • Option to exclude perspective correction from alignment by matching features.
    • "Quick Selection" option added on Selective Deghosting tool, so that region is automatically marked as ghosted once selected with the lasso tool.
    • Added option in Preferences not to show the Preset Thumbnails panel when the Tone Mapping/Fusion windows load.
    • Made double-clicking on sliders reset to default value for the setting.
    • The Selective Deghosting dialog now shows thumbnails of source photos in contextual menu for selecting photos at a specific EV.
    • Added ability to set the maximum alignment shift.
    • Added option in Preferences for setting location for temporary files used for processing large files with Details Enhancer in "Preview" mode, or processing relatively large files with Fusion/Adjust.
    • On Mac OS 10.5 and higher, progress bar shows on icon in the Dock during processing.
    • Length of Preset Thumbnails panel is now resizable.
    • Cosmetic naming and presentation changes on the Details Enhancer Settings Adjustments window.
    • Updated RAW conversion to support files from the Nikon D5100, Fuji HS20EXR, F550EXR and X100, Olympus E-PL2 and XZ-1, Samsung NX1 and Sony A-290.
    • Bug fixed: JPEG files straight of the camera in portrait mode were not always loaded in the correct orientation.
    • Bug fixed: Images saved as TIFF not showing the correct DPI resolution in Adobe Bridge
    • Bug fixed: Tone Mapping of underexposed single JPEG or 8-bit TIFF produced bad result.
    • Bug fixed: When reimporting processed images in Lightroom, stacking was not working properly when the user selected another photo in Lightroom before Photomatix Pro finished processing the image.
    • Bug fixed: Noise reduction crashed when processed on images having a width or height greater than 6143 pixels.
    • Bug fixed: App crashed when batch processing with Fusion/Adjust as only selected method but with deghosting on (which is possible when checking the "Merge into 32-bit HDR file" box, and then unchecking it after having changed the settings)
    • Bug fixed: When dragging bracketed images to the Photomatix Pro icon on the Dock, but with the app not yet opened, the Tone Mapping/Fusion dialogs did not show even though the "Show intermediary 32-bit HDR file" box was left unchecked.
    • Bug fixed: memory leak each time the Tone Mapping preview was refreshed with Details Enhancer selected.
    • Bug fixed: "360 degree image" option was not part of the settings embedded in tonemapped image.
    • Bug fixed: The Advanced functions of the Batch Processing (auto detection of bracketed frames and partial selection) were not working properly on a file list filtered by file type.
    • Bug fixed: On Mac OS 10.4/Tiger, clicking on the "Preview deghosting" button could sometimes result in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: When loading raw files from the Pentax K-5 (and likely other Pentax models), the resulting image had red lines on the right border.
    • Bug fixed: On the Selective Deghosting window, the photo selected by default on the contextual menu was often not the appropriate exposure for the ghosted region.
    • Bug fixed: The Advanced Options of the batch processing did not work properly when the file list was filtered by file type.
    • Bug fixed: Batch Single Photos did not embed any color profile when tone mapping RAW files. It did not embed it either when tone mapping a Radiance file that was created by Photomatix and tagged with a color profile name.
    • Bug fixed: Batch Single Photos did not add the keyword set in Preferences.
    • Bug fixed: An image opened in Photomatix Pro did not display according to the color profile embedded in the file (but display was correct after tonemapping)
    • Bug fixed: Error returned by Photoshop when opening an image saved in Photomatix and that had been tonemapped a second time after having re-opened a tonemapped image.
    • Bug fixed: NEF files from the Nikon D7000 shot as multiple exposure could result in strong magenta cast.
    • Bug fixed: After having selected a ghosted region and clicked on the "Preview Deghosting" button of the Selective Dehgosting Tool, adjusting the Brightness slider displayed a very dark preview.
    • Bug fixed: Failure to open Floating Point 32-bit TIFF file with an alpha channel.

    14-Jul-11: Updated in v4.0.4

    • Fixed issues on Mac OS 10.7/Lion.

    18-Nov-10: Updated in v4.0.2

    • Added support for RAW files of new camera models such as the Canon 60D and G12, Nikon D7000, Olympus E-5, and Pentax K-r and K-5 among others.
    • Bug fixed: On the Lightroom plug-in dialog, the "Crop resulting images" and "Align images" options were not sticky.

    17-Oct-10: Updated in v4.0.1

    • Bug fixed: The "View Settings" feature was not working after having opened a saved tonemapped or fused JPEG image.
    • Bug fixed: The removal of watermark from JPEG images was not working properly on Mac OS 10.6

    28-Sep-10: Updated in v4.0

      Main new features in v4.0
      • Selective deghosting tool: enables users to select ghosted regions with a lasso tool, and change the preferred image taken for each selected region.
      • Preset thumbnails panel: built-in and user presets for tone mapping and fusion show as thumbnails in a panel alongside the preview. Panel can be set in horizontal or vertical orientation.
      • High quality noise reduction with new algorithm applied on source images (users can still use the old algorithm when the noise reduction is applied to the merged 32-bit HDR image).
      • Ability to tone map a single image in 8 bits/channel mode.
      • Unified dialog for HDR Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion methods.
      • Viewing of tone mapping or fusion settings embedded in processed image.
      • Improved rendering of Tone Compressor tone mapping method with default settings and extension of the range of the Tonal Range Compression setting.
      Other updates in v4.0
      • Option in Preferences to customise default filename.
      • Alignment with the "by matching feature" method now takes into account perspective correction in addition to rotation, translation and scaling.
      • Faster upsampling of preview for tonemapping/fusion, with zooming control in the form of a slider instead of a stepper.
      • Dialog enabling to adjust options when opening a single RAW file in order to tone map it.
      • Batch of single files adds options for noise and CA reduction and RAW conversion white balance and color space.
      • Transfer of lens information when available in source images in TIFF or JPEG format, or Canon RAW files (other camera manufacturers apparently encrypt the information).
      • Transfer of XMP metadata information from the source to the resulting image.
      • Embedding of tone mapping and fusion settings in images saved as JPEG (previously was only when saved as TIFF).
      • Changed options in Preferences to bypass dialogs so that in enables to bypass all dialogs till tonemapping/fusion instead of just the dialog asking what to do with the dragged files.
      • Faster processing and reduced memory usage for Fusion/Adjust.
      • Extended time for automatic bracket detection of batch processing from 8 to 64 seconds.
      • Made the directory for loading photos via the Open Dialog default to the directory of the last loaded files instead of the directory of the last save file. Added option in Preferences enabling to change the behavior.
      • Set the DPI setting for exporting with the Lightroom plug-in to 300 pixels/inch instead of the Lightroom's default of 240 pixels/inch.
      • Made it possible to merge images that do not have the same width and/or height.
      • Enabled zoom factor of less than 100% for the zoom slider of the Tone Mapping preview window, and adjusted fit-to-screen to replace the upsampling from the smallest size by a downsampling from the medium size.
      • In Batch Processing, removed the process suffix (e.g. "Enhancer") added to the saved file name in the case when only one tone mapping / fusion method is selected.
      • Made the Lightroom plug-in ignore the error returned by Lightroom when importing a photo that is already in the catalog.
      • Added support for reading PSB files (8, 16 and 32 bits/channel).
      • Multi-threading support added to RAW demosacing, parts of fusion/adjust and last part of "by matching features" alignment.
      • Bug fixed: On some computers, histogram disappeared when hovering the mouse over the histogram's view.
      • Bug fixed: When the metadata of source files contained hierarchical keywords set in Lightroom, the hierarchical keyword structure was not preserved in the tone mapped tiff file.
      • Bug fixed: With RAW files as source, Batch Processing was stalling after having processed around 250 bracketed sets.
      • Bug fixed: Black Point setting for Fusion/Adjust had almost no effect
      • Bug fixed: When the tone mapping preview needs vertical scrollbar, the pointer remained in the form of a magnification outside of the preview area.
      • Bug fixed: Pointer was outside of Loupe marquee with images in portrait mode and/or when tone mapping preview needed scrollbars.
      • Bug fixed: When "Preview" box of Tone Mapping preview window was unchecked, pointer was still in the form of a magnification icon.
      • Bug fixed: Entering a value into the zoom box of the Tone Mapping preview window led to unexpected results. Bug had been introduced in beta 1.
      • Bug fixed: Progress bar without advancement did not animate.
      • Bug fixed: Saving as Radiance when the image has a width higher than 32768 pixels produced invalid files (Radiance files need to be written uncompressed in this case, as RLE-compression requires that the image is less than 32768 pixels wide).

      18-May-10: Updated in v3.2.9

      • Bug fixed: When processing bracketed RAW files loaded directly in Photomatix, the tone mapped or fused file had corrupted metadata.
      • Bug fixed: Crash when processing RAW files from Fuji camera models.

      18-Apr-10: Updated in v3.2.8

      • Support of RAW files from recent camera models such as the NIKON D3S, Pentax K-x, Sony A550 and Canon 550D/T2i, S90 and 1D Mark IV.
      • Made the panel for Exposure Fusion/Adjust settings in batch processing load the settings used in the last session instead of the defaults.
      • Bug fixed: Removal of watermark from jpeg files did not work correctly on Mac OS 10.6.
      • Bug fixed: Clicking on the border of one of the tables for selecting files on the dialog "H&S - 2 images" exposure fusion method made the application crash.

      7-Jan-10: Updated in v3.2.7

      • Added 64-bit support. The code is 32/64-bit Universal, which means it will run as 64-bit if your system is 64-bit (which is the case of most Mac Intel computers) and as 32-bit otherwise.
      • Bug fixed: When "Don't crop" option was selected for the alignment with Batch Processing, results starting from the second set were scrambled.
      • Bug fixed: When the active image is in 16 bits/channel mode, the "Tone Mapping" button of the 'Workflow Shortcuts' panel was greyed out.

      11-Oct-09: Updated in v3.2.6

      • Made the ratio and preview magnification settings remembered separately depending on whether the image is in landscape or portrait mode.
      • Made the text boxes of the Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion settings in batch mode editable.
      • Bug fixed: Position of the Tone Mapping Preview dialog was not correctly remembered.
      • Bug fixed: When the "Process sub-folders" box of the Batch Processing dialog was checked, changing the number of images could then cause the batch to hang.
      • Bug fixed: White Point and Black Point sliders on the Tone Mapping Settings panel in batch mode were not refreshed correctly when xmp settings file was loaded, which resulted in the batch not taking into account the loaded White and Black Point settings.
      • Bug fixed: HDR image files in OpenEXR format having an alpha channel were not read correctly. Bug had been introduced in version 3.2.3.
      • Bug fixed: Failure to correctly process RAW files from the Olympus E-500. Bug had been introduced in version 3.2.4.

      29-Sep-09: Updated in v3.2.5

      • Bug fixed: Using RAW files as source images produced incorrect results. Bug had been introduced in v3.2.4.

      28-Sep-09: Updated in v3.2.4

      • Updated RAW conversion routine to support RAW files from new camera models, such as the Canon 7D, Nikon D5000 and D300s, Olympus E-P1 and E-620, Panasonic FZ35 and GF1, Pentax K-7, and Sony A230, A330, A380 and A850.

      16-Sep-09: Updated in v3.2.3

      • Bug fixed: Saving images failed when keyword tag was set in Preferences.
      • Implemented a workaround to an apparent bug in Mac OS 10.6 that caused memory leaks when Photomatix was run on Snow Leopard. The memory leaks made the Batch Processing crash after a few runs but could also made the application crash in non-batch mode when large files were used.
      • Bug fixed: The bit-depth of files created by fusing exposures with the Batch Processing did not always follow the bit-depth selected on the output file format drop-down menu.
      • Bug fixed: When exporting via the Lightroom plugin, selecting the "Moving objects/people" ghosting reduction option had not effect, i.e. the option was not taken into account.

      25-Aug-09: Updated in v3.2.2

      • Bug fixed: On Snow Leopard, processing JPEG images resulted in scrambled output.
      • Bug fixed: Image orientation exif tag was not transferred from the source to the resulting image saved as JPEG or TIFF.
      • Bug fixed: When batch processing 16-bit images with exposure fusion and with the output format set to 8-bit TIFF, the created TIFF file could not be opened.
      • Bug fixed: When batch processing with exposure fusion TIFF images having an alpha channel, batch reported insufficient memory error and did not proceed.
      • Bug fixed: When batch processing with advanced selection options (either automatic bracket detection or partial selection) a folder containing RAW files with their XMP files, no images were selected and batch did not work.
      • Bug fixed: On Panther/Mac OS 10.3.9, tone mapping crashed just after loading the dialog. Bug had been introduced in version 3.2.0.

      10-Aug-09: Updated in v3.2.1

      • Bug fixed: After having clicked on the Tone Compressor tab, built-in presets disappeared from the Presets menu of Details Enhancer.
      • Bug fixed: Processing TIFF files having an alpha channel with Generate HDR and "by matching features" alignment resulted in a scrambled image.
      • Bug fixed: When the length of the iptc data embedded in an image saved as JPEG was not a multiple of 2, Photoshop returned an error/warning message about corrupted Photoshop data when opening the JPEG file.
      • Bug fixed: RLE-compressed 16-bit PSD files could not be loaded.

      13-Jul-09: Updated in v3.2

      Summary of main updates
      • Multi-threading support for Tone Compressor and parts of Details Enhancer
      • Details Enhancer settings improvements: New mode offering finer control for Smoothing setting (i.e. the setting that controls "natural" vs "artificial" look) and improved effect of Highlights Smoothness (i.e. the setting that preserves "clean" skies)
      • Ability to tag saved images with keyword
      • Built-in presets for Details Enhancer
      • More robust alignment for "by matching features" method.
      • Batch processing advanced options: automatic detection of bracketed photos and ability to process a sub-set of each bracketed set.
      Detailed list of updates
    • Updated RAW conversion routine to support RAW files from the Canon 500D/T1i, Nikon D3X, Olympus E30, Pentax K-m/K2000, Canon SX1/SX110 and Panasonic GH1.
    • Multi-threading support for tone mapping: complete multi-threading for Tone Compressor method and partial for Details Enhancer method. The maximum number of cores used can be adjusted in Preferences.
    • Details Enhancer's Light Smoothing setting (renamed "Smoothing" in v3.2) has now two modes. The new mode is in the form of a slider and produces a slightly different effect. The behavior of previous versions corresponds to the "Light" mode which is in the form of five buttons named "Min", "Low", "Mid", "High" and "Max".
    • Details Enhancer's Highlights Smoothness setting (i.e. the setting that avoids grey highlights and preserves "clean" skies) has been significantly improved.
    • Improved the accuracy of the Tone Mapping preview compared to the final image and changed the size options on the preview dialog. Size options are now ratios of the input HDR image such as 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8. Intermediary sizes are achieved via the 'Preview Magnification' setting.
    • Histogram of tone mapping dialog in now available per color channel and shows in a separate window. The count and percentile of each level is displayed while the user moves the mouse over the histogram.
    • Contextual help for the tone mapping controls shows in an expandable section of the Tone Mapping Settings dialog.
    • Batch Processing adds an option for automatically detecting the photos belonging to a bracketed set. This option is useful when some of the photos in the processed folder are not part of a bracketed set and/or when the number of frames per bracketed set varies.
    • Batch Processing adds an option for processing a sub-set of each bracketed set. This option is useful, for instance, when the user wish to batch process only three frames of bracketed sets containing five frames taken in one-EV step each.
    • Improved alignment of "by matching features" method.
    • Added built-in presets for Details Enhancer. Presets are "Natural", "Smooth Skies", "Painterly" and "Grunge", and are accessible from the Presets combo-box.
    • Added ability to tag saved images with keyword set in Preferences. Keyword is added to IPTC metadata of images saved using the 'File' menu or created via Batch Processing (though not to via batching of single files).
    • Added option in Preferences giving the choice between default and previous settings when starting the tone mapping dialog.
    • Changed the name of 'Process' button into 'Save and re-import' when source images were exported using the Lightroom plug-in and the "Automatically re-import images into Lightroom" box was checked.
    • Simplified the layout of the Batch conversion of single files and added ability to set the JPEG quality.
    • Bug fixed: Export from Lightroom plug-in stalled when 9 or more photos were exported.
    • Bug fixed: selecting the "360° image" option did not correct the difference at the zenith.
    • Bug fixed: crash when processing TIFF files with an alpha channel.
    • Bug fixed: changing the Light Smoothing setting while the "360 degree image" box was checked could result in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: generating an HDR image from more than eight files of 21 MegaPixels each and in 16 bits/channel crashed due to insufficient memory.
    • Bug fixed: When saving image as TIFF, DateTimeOriginal tag was not written in the correct order, which made Picasa crash and GIMP return a warning.
    • Bug fixed: Exposure Blending with the Adjust method did not produce correct output when the "Shadows" setting was higher than 0 and the source images in 16 bits/channel mode.
    • Bug fixed: When resizing tone mapping preview to a smaller size, previous preview was not erased.

    4-Feb-09: Updated in v3.1.3

    • Tighter integration with Lightroom. HDR options are now set from the Lightroom plug-in and the processed image can be automatically re-imported into the Lightroom library.
    • HDR Generation process made faster.
    • Bug fixed: Applying the Chromatic Aberrations reduction to a non-HDR image could result in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: Processing files in Canon sRaw format did not always work correctly.

    2-Dec-08: Updated in v3.1.1

    • Added support of RAW files from recent camera models such as the 5D Mark II and Panasonic LX-3.
    • Bug fixed: When using multiple monitors with preview size of Tone Mapping dialog set to "Fit", Tone Mapping sometimes crashed upon loading the Tone Mapping Preview dialog.
    • Bug fixed: Display of report on Batch Processing dialog sometimes crashed after a large number of sets were processed.

    23-Oct-08: Updated in v3.1

    Summary of main updates
    • New settings for blending method 'H&S - Adjust'
    • Option for automatic reduction of chromatic aberrations in HDR images
    • Option for reducing noise in HDR images
    • Settings of Details Enhancer dialog grouped in expandable views
    • Alignment method "By matching features" made more robust
    • Lightroom Export Plug-In
    Detailed list of updates
    • New settings added to Exposure Blending method "H&S - Adjust": Shadows, White Clip, Black Clip, Midtones and 360° image. Note that the Strength setting has been renamed into Accentuation.
    • Added histogram window to Exposure Blending dialog. Position of histogram is sticky. When histogram is closed, can be reactivated via menu "View->8-bit Histogram".
    • Ability to obtain an image in 16 bits/channel mode when blending images in 8 bits/channel mode.
    • Option to reduce chromatic aberrations / color fringing added to "Generate HDR options" dialog. The chromatic aberrations reduction can also be directly applied to an image via the Utilities menu.
    • Updated algorithm of alignment method "By matching features" to make it more robust.
    • Improved "Highlights Smoothing" setting of Details Enhancer tone mapping method
    • Ability to use Single File Conversion to tone map single RAW files in one run directly after having created the pseudo-HDR image.
    • Added option for reducing noise in 32-bit HDR image.
    • Improved layout of Tone Mapping settings dialog for Details Enhancer by grouping settings in expandable views instead of placing them in a tab control.
    • Added support for reading 32-bit HDR images in PSD format.
    • Made path of resulting image of batch show as clickable hyperlink.
    • In Batch Processing, added naming option for having the created file name end with sequence number.
    • Updated raw conversion to support recent camera models such as the Canon 50D, Nikon D700 and Nikon D90.
    • Availability of Lightroom Export Plug-In to Photomatix Pro.
    • Added option to Save Panel for opening saved image in another application. Option is available for 8 and 16-bit images. By default, popup menu lists imaging applications installed on computer, such as Aperture, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc. Choice is made sticky.
    • Added check for updates.
    • Processes such as HDR generation, tone mapping or exposure blending are now launched in a new thread, with the progress bar showing in a separate progress report window.
    • Settings of Exposure Blending window are now sticky
    • On dialog popping up when multiple image files are dragged to Photomatix, added option to skip dialogs for source image selection and Generate HDR options.
    • When more than one image files are selected for opening via "File->Open" command, showed the same dialog as when multiple files are dragged to the Photomatix Pro application.
    • Reduced RAM requirements by 3 when tone mapping with Details Enhancer a large HDR image file opened in preview mode. Tone mapping a 20,000 x 5,000 panorama requires now around 600 MB of RAM instead of almost 2 GB previously. (Note: the reduction in RAM consumption is achieved via writing to and reading from temporary files on disk which slows down the processing of large HDR image files opened in preview mode).
    • Made Preferences dialog resize depending on selected tab.
    • Added stepper control to Tone Mapping Preview window to make it possible to increase preview size by increments of 200 pixels up from the "Large" preview size option. This is intended for the case when "Fit" preview size option gives a too large preview on large resolution monitors.
    • Bug fixed: Option "360° image" for Details Enhancer did not always work correctly.
    • Bug fixed: When Strength setting of Details Enhancer tone mapping method was set to a low value, setting the color saturation to zero produced an almost white image.
    • Bug fixed: Single File Conversion did not retrieve metadata information available in HDR image files in Radiance format.
    • Bug fixed: HDR images in Radiance format created with Batch Processing or Single File Conversion did not save the name of the color profile.
    • Bug fixed: Processing of HDR image with Tone Compressor produced incorrect result (preview was OK) due to use of incorrect White and Black point settings.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when images of different sizes were loaded for Generate HDR or Exposure Blending.
    • Bug fixed: application was crashing when saving as TIFF a tone mapped image coming from a 16-bit PSD file having the "psd" extension in lower case.
    • Bug fixed: With Single File Conversion, 'PhotomatixConversion' folder was created even though custom destination was selected.
    • Bug fixed: When destination folder for saving results of Batch Processing or Single File Conversion did not exist, batch still run till the end though it could not save anything.
    • Bug fixed: Clicking "Workflow Shortcuts" item on View menu when the item was enabled did not hide the "Workflow Shortcuts" palette.
    • Bug fixed: "Run" button of Batch Processing and Single File Conversion was enabled when no processing options were selected.
    • Bug fixed: Single File Conversion crashed when no processing options were selected.
    • Bug fixed: When tone mapped image was saved as JPEG or 8-bit TIFF, Tone Mapping item was still enabled on the Process menu and clicking on it made the application quit.
    • Bug fixed: If all images were removed from dialog to select images for Generate HDR or Exposure Blending, clicking on OK button did not work correctly.
    • Bug fixed: Saving of HDR images as Floating Point TIFF did not work correctly on Intel-based Macs.

    12-May-08: Updated in v3.0.3

    • Made settings values in text boxes refresh live when sliders are moved.
    • Bug fixed: Opening uncompressed Radiance .hdr files in preview mode crashed the application
    • Bug fixed: RAWs from the Sony A-200 were not correctly converted.

    7-Apr-08: Updated in v3.0.2

    • Added support for RAW files from Canon 450D and Nikon D60.

    7-Apr-08: Updated in v3.0.1

    • Bug fixed: JPEG quality setting set in Preferences should now be transferred correctly from the Preferences of version 2.5.
    • Bug fixed: When the Exposure Blending dialog is open, items under the View and Utilities menu should not be accessible anymore.
    • Bug fixed: incorrect date in metadata of saved images on the 30th and 31st of the month when source images are RAW files should not happen anymore.

    27-Mar-08 - Main new features in version 3.0

    Improved workflow and User Interface

      27-Mar-08 - Main new features in version 3.0

      Improved workflow and User Interface
      • "Workflow Shortcuts" panel and addition of Tone Mapping button on HDR viewer
      • Dragging multiple image files to the Photomatix icon can automatically invoke the Generate HDR or Exposure Blending dialog.
      • Tone Mapping preview opens in a separate window with improved size controls
      • Presets menu allows quick access to user settings
      • Loupe does not replace image preview anymore. Checkbox enables to control separate refresh of preview and loupe
      Second automatic alignment method
      • New alignment method is based on feature matching, and corrects for rotation in addition to translation.
      • New alignment method uses a different algorithm and approach from the first method, allowing to choose the best algorithm depending on the image. The new alignment algorithm is slower but often more accurate.
      Improved Exposure Blending
      • New algorithm for method 'H&S - Adjust'. It produces natural looking results while preserving highlights and shadows details well.
      • Preview and Loupe available for all Exposure Blending methods.
      • Ability to select the images for method 'H&S - 2 images'
      • Merge of the two 'H&S - Intensive' sub-methods into one with a Strength setting added (its default value is equivalent to the formerly Light method and its maximum to the formerly Enhanced method).
      • RAW files are now supported for Exposure Blending
      Improved handling of large HDR image files
      • When the size of the opened HDR image file reaches a threshold, a dialog box offers the option to open the image in preview mode. Choosing this option works similarly as formerly "Large File Processing" which has therefore been removed.
      • Size of threshold that triggers the dialog is 30 MegaPixels by default and adjustable in Preferences.
      New options in Batch Processing
      • Selection of source files can now be done by files in addition to folder.
      • When the source image has a thumbnail embedded, selecting that image with the mouse shows the thumbnail.
      • Option to process bracketed images having each exposure located under a separate folder

      1-Dec-07: Updated in v2.5.5

      • Added support for Raw files of new camera models, such as the Nikon D300 and Sony A-700, for instance.

      23-Oct-07: Updated in v2.5.4

      • Bug fixed: Memory leak with Details Enhancer is corrected, which will avoid crashes after hundreds of iterations of Batch Processing. Bug had been introduced in version 2.5.

      23-Sep-07: Updated in v2.5.3

      • Added support for Raw files from the Canon 40D.
      • Changed the shortcut key to access the "Generate HDR" option on the Batch Processing window from cmd-H to cmd-alt-shift-H to avoid replacing the standard Mac OS X cmd-H shortcut to hide the application
      • Bug fixed: Tone Mapping a grayscale HDR image file stored in Floating Point TIFF format should not crash the application anymore.

      6-Sep-07: Updated in v2.5.2

      • Bug fixed: Loading settings saved in XMP file for Tone Compressor from the Single File Conversion window should now work as expected.
      • Cosmetic: removed transparent background of icons for getting a a crop at 100% resolution on the tone mapping preview.

      29-Jul-07: Updated in v2.5.1

      • Bug fixed: Resulting images saved in TIFF format should now correctly store the preserved EXIF data and tone mapping settings XMP metadata.
      • Bug fixed: incorrect 16-bit output when using Details Enhancer with HDR image files produced by PTGui Pro should not happen anymore.

      18-Jul-07: Updated in v2.5

      • Six new settings for tone mapping method Details Enhancer: Color Temperature, Saturation Highlights, Saturation Shadows, Highlights Smoothing, Shadows Smoothing and Shadows Clipping. Additionally, the setting Light Smoothing has been changed from a slider to radio buttons (in order to make it clear it can not take intermediate values) and the setting Microcontrast varies differently: the maximum value of +2 in previous versions is now the same as a value of 0 in version 2.5.
      • Two new settings for tone mapping method Tone Compressor: Color Temperature and Color Saturation.
      • Information such as Camera model, DateTime original, Aperture, ISO and focal length passed through to resulting images saved as JPEG. Additionally, the information is also passed through to tone mapped images coming from an HDR image file in Radiance (.hdr) format that has been created with Photomatix Pro version 2.4.1 or higher.
      • Camera model and DateTime Original added to the information passed through to resulting images saved as TIFF.
      • Resize function available for 32-bit HDR images.
      • Updated RAW conversion code to support recent camera model such as the 1D MKIII.
      • Faster processing time and less memory usage for tone mapping method Tone Compressor.
      • Tone Mapping preview now refreshes when the "360 image" option is selected.
      • Tone mapping method Tone Compressor can now be used with "Large File Processing".
      • Ability to batch tone map hdr image files using the Tone Compressor method with Single File Conversion.
      • Bug fixed: HDR images created from RAW files and saved as Radiance (.hdr) should now open correctly in Photoshop CS2/CS3.
      • Bug fixed: Generating an HDR image with strip-by-strip processing option should now produce correct output.
      • Bug fixed: Typing the value of the tone mapping settings should now work correctly for all settings.
      • Bug fixed: Processing RAW files from the D1X should not crash the application anymore.
      • Bug fixed: Conversion from Olympus E-400 RAW files should not produce incorrect pattern anymore.
      • Bug fixed: Generating HDR image from RAW files with Batch Processing should now produce the correct output.

      22-Apr-07: Updated in v2.4.1

      • When HDR image is saved in the Radiance (.hdr) format, some Exif information of the source images such as the camera model, Aperture or focal length is provided in the header of the file.
      • When exposure information has not been found in source images -or one or more images have the same exposure information-, ranking of images based on the estimated Exposure Values in now more accurate.
      • Gamma slider for Details Enhancer has been extended to take values up to 0.35 (previously the maximum on the left was 0.5).
      • Bug fixed: Generate HDR with RAW files as source images and after having entered the Exposure Values should now work correctly, instead of reporting an error that the file could not be opened.
      • Bug fixed: When the source images have the same exposure time but different aperture or ISO settings, the window for entering the Exposure Values should not show anymore.
      • Bug fixed: when misregistration is only due to translation shifts, automatic alignment (option "Align images") should now work in the special cases where it used to fail.
      • Bug fixed: Generating HDR image from TIFF files with an alpha channel should now work correctly.
      • Bug fixed: Default White Balance should be correctly taken into account when generating HDR from differently exposed RAW files.

      22-Mar-07: Updated in v2.4

      • Option for reducing ghosting artifacts in generated HDR image. There is a separate option depending on whether the ghosts are caused by moving objects/people or periodic movements such as rippling water .
      • Slider to adjust Gamma setting when Tone Mapping with Details Enhancer.
      • Undo and Redo of the last settings done on Tone Mapping window.
      • Options for naming of output files of Batch Processing.
      • Ability to adjust the white balance and output color space when creating an HDR image from differently exposed RAWs from HDR->Generate.
      • Strip-processing option to generate an HDR image with Batch Processing. This option enables to create an HDR image from large files without exceeding available RAM.
      • Updated RAW conversion to include recent camera models such as the Pentax 10D for instance.
      • Sticky settings for Batch Processing (applicable to the general settings for running the batch, and not to the HDR or Tone Mapping settings used with Batch Processing).
      • Ability to set in Preferences the default White Balance used for RAW conversion.
      • Option in Batch Processing to leave the aligned results uncropped.
      • Changed the calculation for the option "Attempt to reverse-engineer tone curve applied" of Generate HDR, and made it available with images in 16 bits/channel mode as well.
      • Bug fixed: when source images are grayscale, Generate HDR and the functions under the Combine menu should not crash anymore.
      • Bug fixed: "As Shot" White Balance should now be closer to the expected behavior.
      • Bug fixed: Low values for the White or Black Clip settings should now be saved correctly in XMP files and as sticky settings
      • Bug fixed: Custom white balance set on the RAW preview should now be taken into account properly.
      • Bug fixed: Large File Processing with 16-bit image should now work again.
      • Bug fixed: HDR viewer and message when opening files should not stay above all other applications anymore.

      3-Jan-07: Updated in v2.3.3

      • Focal length of the source images as well as exposure information that did not change (usually Aperture and ISO) are passed through to the tone mapped or combined results when saved in TIFF format.
      • Tone Mapping settings are embedded as XMP metadata when tone mapped image is saved as TIFF file. The settings can then be viewed in Photoshop under File->Info->Advanced.
      • Bug fixed: RAW files from the D80 are now converted using the correct color matrix.
      • Bug fixed: Combining images having a width different from a multiple of 32 should not produce scrambled output anymore after having aligned them using the Advanced Align functions.
      • Bug fixed: Tone Mapping should now work correctly with 16-bit grayscale images.
      • Bug fixed: Kodak RAW files with the "kcr" extension should now be processed.
      • Bug fixed: When Generate HDR is used on already opened images, error message about images not selected should not show anymore.
      • Cosmetic: made the controls of the Tone Mapping window remain at the same place when resizing the window with the mouse.

      18-Nov-06: Updated in v2.3.2

      • Updated raw conversion process to support recent camera models
      • Made it possible to load RAW files with TIF extensions (Canon 1Ds and Phase One P45) as raws. Behaviour can be changed in Preferences.
      • Bug fixed: "Include Subfolders" option of Batch Processing should now work (bug had been introduced in v2.3.1).
      • Bug fixed: "Align images" option with source images having a large difference in brightness values and non-uniform histograms should not fail anymore.
      • Bug fixed: Loading Tone Mapping settings for Tone Compressor from Batch Processing should now work correctly.
      • Bug fixed: checking the "Align images" option with the "H&S" methods from the Combine menu when the images did not need to be aligned should not produce incorrect results anymore.
      • Cosmetic: Note is shown on window for setting the alignment and curve option of Generate HDR in the case when the source images are RAW files.

      16-Oct-06: Updated in v2.3.1

      • Ability to open a RAW file in the application, converting it into an HDR image on the fly.
      • Support for RAW files when creating HDR image from menu HDR->Generate.
      • The window for entering EV values manually is now also shown when the source images in entry of Generate HDR have the same exposure information.
      • Bug fixed: Problem of not being able to save tone mapped or combined 16-bit result should not happen anymore.
      • Bug fixed: "360 image" option of "Details Enhancer" when Light Smoothing is set to +1 or +2 should now work correctly.
      • Bug fixed: Clicking a second time on the OK button of Generate HDR when no images have been selected should not crash anymore on PPC.
      • Bug fixed: Images saved as 16-bit TIFF should now open in LightZone and its metadata be editable in Bridge.
      • Bug fixed: Using the "Align Images" option with source images having a different width should now work correctly.
      • Bug fixed: Loading Tone Mapping settings for Tone Compressor from Batch Processing should now be possible.

      24-Sep-06: Updated in v2.3

      • Addition of a new tone mapping method based on a global operator (this means the new method does not enhance local contrast, but on the other hand avoids issues of noise and halos).
      • Sticky values for the settings of the Tone Mapping window.
      • Ability to zoom the tone mapped preview to get a 100% crop.
      • Direct selection of EV spacing when exposure information has not been found in source images when generating HDR image.
      • Ability to manually enter values of Tone Mapping settings in text fields.
      • Changed the system for selecting the source folders for Batch Processing and Single File Conversion: the browser control is replaced by a button to select the folder.
      • Simplified the layout and user interaction of function Large File Processing.
      • Increment to a higher value added to Light Smoothing setting: it can now be set to the value +2 (i.e. "Very High").
      • Color Temperature for generating HDR image from RAW files is now defaulted to "As Shot" instead of "Daylight".
      • Added back ability to remove HDR image file after tone mapping in Batch Processing.
      • Changed the Photomatix Overview window from modal to non-modal and made it available from menu Help.
      • Bug fixed: Modification of the tone mapping algorithm to address the problem of almost completely black results, or results with black borders, or white corners.
      • Bug fixed: the "Include sub-folder" option of Batch Processing now saves the files as expected.
      • Bug fixed: RAW files in portrait orientation are now processed correctly.
      • Bug fixed: Batch Processing does not leak memory anymore.
      • Bug fixed: preview for color temperature of RAW files in portrait mode is now displayed correctly.
      • Bug fixed: an error message is now returned when attempting to save a 16-bit image into jpeg.

      24-Sep-06: Updated in v2.2.3

      • Bug fixed: Opening and saving in OpenEXR format is now working again (bug had been introduced in v2.2.2).

      28-Mar-06: Updated in v2.2.2

      • Default file name of generated HDR image is created based on the filenames of the source images (or the first source image when there are more than 7 of them, or when no common root is detected).
      • Tone Mapping Color Saturation setting minimum range is now 0% instead of 20% and Strength setting now defaulted to 70% instead of 80%.
      • Images with alpha channel can now be opened and processed.
      • Cosmetic changes in preview for "H&S - Adjust".
      • Bug fixed: random crash with Batch Processing should not happen anymore

      Updated in v2.2.1

      • Algorithm of "Generate HDR" has been improved. The improvements include a better handling of noisy LDR source images for instance.
      • Bug fixed: loading images with alpha channel from the "Generate HDR" window should not crash anymore.

      13-Feb-06: New in v2.2

      • Generation of HDR images from differently exposed RAWs (via Batch Processing). White Balance and output color space settings can be adjusted.
      • Saving of Tone Mapping settings in XMP files.
      • Color managed display for preview and opened or resulting images.
      • Passing through of color profile from source images to resulting tone mapped or combined image.
      • New Tone Mapping setting that smoothes out microcontrast enhancements. This has for effect of reducing Low Magnitude Noise (noise in the sky for instance).
      • Special process for tone mapping large files.
      • New item on menu "View" to zoom images at 100%.
      • HDR image created contains absolute values when exposure information (Shutter, Aperture and ISO) is available in source images.
      • Option for a bigger Tone Mapping preview and switch between preview on and off.
      • Smoothing setting for the Tone Mapping can now take a higher value, which often gives a more "natural" look to the tone mapped result. (Note: The meaning of the values has been changed. A value "Medium" corresponds to what used to be "High" in v2.1, and a value of "Very Low" to what used to be "Low").
      • Non-linear variations for the White and Black clip sliders of the Tone Mapping dialog to make it easier to set low values. Maximum value of Black Clip slider is now 5% instead of 2%.
      • Less memory required to perform tone mapping: reduced by about 40% in batch mode and 20% when the HDR image is opened in the application.
      • Option for short file name in output of Batch Processing.

      Updated in v2.1.2

      • Bug fixed: Generating HDR image from PSD files does not cause random crashes anymore (thanks to Jeff Sutton for reporting the bug).
      • Bug fixed: Images with a width that is not a multiple of 32 now processed correctly on Tiger.
      • Tone Mapping setting "Strength" defaulted to 80 instead of 100

      Updated in v2.1.1

      • Tone Mapping of single files in batch mode now also possible with 48-bit TIFF files
      • Ability to set the "Blending Point" for method "H&S Details - Adjust" in the Batch Processing.
      • Renaming of several settings of the Tone Mapping (e.g. "Dynamic Range Increase" slider renamed into "Luminosity", and "Smoothing" slider changed into a combo box). Those changes were done to synchronize with the naming used for the upcoming Photoshop Plug-In of the Tone Mapping tool.
      • Extension of the maximum number of bracketed images set in the Batch Processing from 7 to 11.
      • Bug fixed: Opening of 16-bit PSD from the interface does not crash anymore
      • Bug fixed: Images with a width that is not a multiple of 32 are now processed correctly on Tiger with tools "Brigthness & Contrast", "Sharpen" and tone mapping of 16-bit images.

      6-Jul-05: Updated in v2.1

      • Faster and more robust automatic alignment tool. Now available as option when running any image combination and in the batch processing as well. (The "old" alignment tools are still available for cases when rotation is involved.)
      • Compatibility with 10.4 (Tiger).
      • Ability to set the EV spacing when generating an HDR image via the batch processing.
      • Option to generate HDR images one line at a time in the batch processing (limits memory requirements for very large files).
      • HDR viewer shows the RGB values
      • Batch conversion for processing single files (as opposed to bracketed images with the Batch processing). It converts HDR images into tone mapped jpegs or tiffs. It also converts single RAW files into HDR images.
      • Addition of an HDR Histogram adapted to HDR images. It displays the frequency of the logarithm base 2 of the HDR values and shows the relative EV.
      • Modification of the way the dynamic range is calculated. Now takes the percentiles 0.2 and 99.95 instead of the absolute minimum and maximum.

      10-Apr-05: Updated in v2.0.5

      • Slider that controls the strength of local contrast enhancement of the Tone Mapping
      • Ability to get the parameters set the last time the Tone Mapping ran
      • Radius setting for method "H&S Details - Adjust" in the Batch processing
      • More settings for the Tone Mapping in the Batch processing
      • Ability to select just one set of input images from the source folder for the Batch processing

      5-Feb-05: Updated in v2.0.4

      • Support for .psd files (read only)
      • Ability to view HDRI at different exposures (+/- 1-fstop increments)
      • Bug fixed: HDRIs generated from 48-bit images showed banding when saved in OpenEXR format
      • Bug fixed: could not open uncompressed Radiance RGBE files in some cases

      Updated in v2.0.3

      • Read/Write support for OpenEXR and Floating Point TIFF formats
      • Tool for remapping mirror ball to Latitude/Longitude format
      • Rotation tool for both LDR and HDR images
      • Ability to set some of the tone mapping parameters in batch mode
      • Crop tool enabled for HDR images
      • Ability to generate an HDR Image without having to open the LDR files (recommended to save memory)
      • Bug fixed: when the width of input images is not a multiple of 8, the batch was producing incorrect results when running OS 10.3 (Panther)
      • Bug fixed: memory leak with batch processing of tone mapping method

      Updated in v2.0.2

      • Enabling the generation of HDR images in batch mode when exif data are missing
      • Bug fixed: reading of Radiance files when they are uncompressed (i.e. without RLE encoding)

      Updated in v2.0.1

      • Special handling for tone mapping equirectangular images set to be viewed as 360 degree panorama
      • Addition of a "Microcontrast" slider to the Tone Mapping panel
      • Ability to set the radius used by combination method "H&S Details - Adjust"
      • Improved interface for "H&S Details - Adjust": bigger preview and ability to switch between preview at low resolution and a partial preview at image resolution

      July 04: Updated in v2.0

      Main new additions
      • Generation of a High Dynamic Range image (96-bit) from a sequence of 24- or 48-bit images
      • -Tone Mapping tool adapted to scenes with a particularly high dynamic range
      • HDR viewer in the form of a pop-up window that shows the content of an HDR image
      • Batch Processing for an easy to use automation
      • Ability to set the radius of blending method "H&S Details - Adjust"
      • Panel "Preferences"
      • "Undo" functionality available for the alignment, tone mapping and other tools
      • Exposure information shown on the "Image Property" panel
      • Read/Write support of 96-bit HDR image in the Radiance RGBE format
      Bugs fixed
        • Alignment tool was not enabled when processing 48-bit images
        • -Slider shifts for "H&S Details - Adjust" gave inconsistent results in some cases
        • Brightness/Contrast produced incorrect results
        • Zoom percentage did not show correctly

        20-Nov-03: Main update in v1.3

        • Addition of an alignment tool

        July 03: Main update in v1.2

        • Addition of batch processing
        • Photomatix renamed into 'Photomatix Pro'

        May 03: Photomatix now available on the Mac platform