Update Log Photomatix Pro for Windows

28-Sep-19: Updated in v6.1.3

  • Support for new camera models including Fuji X-T30, Sony A6400, Olympus E-M1X and Nikon A1000, Z6 and Z7.
  • Bugs fixed: On some systems, Photomatix Pro would display "Parameter is not valid" error.
  • Bugs fixed: Gpano XMP data in source images were not preserved in the saved final image.
  • Bugs fixed: Batch Bracketed Photos returned an error when processing RAW files with a lens not recognised if the lens correction option was enabled.
  • Bugs fixed: RAW files from the D500 were not merged correctly.

18-Sep-18: Updated in v6.1.1

  • Bugs fixed: Fuji compressed RAW files couldn't be loaded anymore.
  • Bugs fixed: On Windows XP, the window that opens when loading images was invisible, making it impossible to use the application in non-batch mode. Bug had been introduced in version 6.1.0.
  • Bug fixed: When loading images without an embedded thumbnails, the 'Selected Photos' window didn't always generate a thumbnail to display on the list.
  • Bugs fixed: The 'Check exposures' report systematically indicated that the most overexposed photos may not cover the darkest parts of the scene well, regardless of how bright the overexposed photos were.
  • When enabling the "Optimize for hi res display" option in Preferences, a prompt is now informing that the application needs to be restarted for the option to take effect.
  • On the Finishing Touch window, the selection for the crop ratio combo-box of the Crop Tool is now remembered between sessions.

6-Aug-18: Updated in v6.1

Main updates in v6.1
  • Dark Color Scheme option: The windows where you adjust and finish the image have been refreshed with a dark color theme, and you can choose between a Light and Dark color scheme for the other windows.
  • Dual White Balance for HDR merge: When processing bracketed sets of RAW images, you can assign a different white balance to the brighter and the darker images.
  • Lasso Tool: The selective adjustment tools now include a lasso in addition to the existing brush option, allowing easy selection of geometric areas such as windows that need different color or blending settings.
  • UI improvements to better support high resolution displays.
  • Support for compressed Fuji RAW files, Canon mRAW files and 12-bit NEF files.
Other updates in v6.1
  • 'Check Exposures' option when loading a bracketed photos set to help you assess how well the photos cover the brightness range of the scene.
  • Improved performance of brush tool, resulting in a smoother painting experience.
  • The brush tool can now use either a round or square brush, and you can set the sensitivity for edge-detection.
  • Option to set the preset thumbnail filter to the 'Real Estate' category by default.
  • Addition of 'Very Mild' contrast preset to Finishing Touch.
  • Brush tool's Undo option now undoes an entire stroke, not just a mouse movement
  • Ability to remove a specific Brush/Lasso Selection by just right-clicking on it.
  • Bugs fixed: When working with RAW files, very dark areas of the scene could have a green tinge.
  • Bugs fixed: Image was not always saved at the right size after straightening.
  • Bugs fixed: Value set with Tone Balancer's Lighting slider was sometimes ignored.
  • Bugs fixed: Scrolling preset thumbnails with the mouse wheel didn't always work.
  • Bugs fixed: It was difficult to type in more than one digit in the 'Number of cores' field in Preferences.
  • Bugs fixed: Arrow keys sometimes didn't work when typing in setting values.
  • Bugs fixed: Tab order was incorrect in Brush Tool Settings window.
  • Bugs fixed: Some adjustment settings weren't saved when the '360 degree image option' was turned on.

21-Sep-17: Updated in v6.0.3

  • Support for RAW files from the Canon 6D Mark II.
  • When dragging multiples JPEG or TIFF files to Photomatix Pro, a dialog is now displayed to give the choice between merging the files to HDR or opening each file individually. The dialog can be set not to appear on the 'Files' tab of the Preferences window.
  • Bug fixed: Running the Batch Bracketed Photos with RAW files for which no matching lens was found could fail with a -1073741819 error.
  • Bug fixed: Running the Batch Bracketed Photos with the Blending Opacity higher than zero in the custom settings and the "Reduce noise" or "Reduce Chromatic Aberrations" options enabled failed with a -1073741819 error.
  • Bug fixed: Some of the built-in presets were not remembered in the next session.
  • Bug fixed: On Windows 7, the sliders for Fusion/Natural and Fusion/Interior were truncated for DPI sizes larger than 100%.
  • Bug fixed: When Photomatix is used in trial mode and the final image is cropped, additional watermarks were added, the watermark removal option available after registration didn't work as expected.
  • Bug fixed: When Photomatix is used in trial mode and the final image is saved at a size lower than full size, the watermark removal option available after registration didn't always work as expected.

4-Jul-17: Updated in v6.0.2

  • The batch processing has now an option to disable the automatic lens correction.
  • Bug fixed: The OK button of the 'Selected Photos' window couldn't be actioned by pressing the Enter key.
  • Bug fixed: When processing photos created as virtual copies in Lightroom and exported via the Lightroom plugin, the dialog inviting to adjust the exposures didn't show.
  • Bug fixed: Support for Raw files from Sony A6000, A6300 and A6500 didn't work anymore. Bug had been introduced in version 6.0.1.
  • Bug fixed: On low resolution monitors or on monitors set to a high display scaling, the OK button of the 'Selected Photos' window wasn't accessible and some windows didn't completely fit on screen.
  • Bug fixed: The batch bracketed photos run with several presets or custom settings, and with the 'Blending' option set for a tone mapping method while the Fusion/Interior method was also selected, could sometimes give incorrect results.
  • Bug fixed: Photomatix Pro could appear as if frozen when used under particular multiple monitor configurations.
  • Bug fixed: The 'Adjust & Preview' window could erratically change positions when moving the Zoom slider.
  • The "Show preset thumbnails panel" option in Preferences is now only enabled in Floating Windows mode, and no longer affects Unified Window mode. Additionally, the "View Preset Thumbnails" item under the "View" is now hidden in Unified Window mode.
  • When using Photomatix Pro via the Lightroom plugin with the Reimport option checked, the window inviting to browse or drag-and-drop photos doesn't show anymore. There is also no error message popping up anymore if the user closes the 'Adjust & Preview' window or one of the dialogs leading up to it.

30-May-17: Updated in v6.0.1

  • Added Raw support for a few more camera models, such as the Canon 77D and 800D, Nikon D3400 and D5600, Olympus E-PL8 and E-M1Mark II, Pentax K-70 and K-P, and Panasonic G8, GF9 and GH5, among others.
  • Bug fixed: When using Photomatix Pro from Lightroom with a single photo, the plugin failed to automatically re-import the image.
  • Bug fixed: On some computer configurations, the Preview sometimes went completely black while adjusting the image.
  • Bug fixed: When moving the sliders on the left of the 'Preview & Adjust' window, an error could occasionally appear.
  • Bug fixed: The image in the Loupe became scrambled when switching from Tone Balancer to another method.
  • Bug fixed: When the final image was saved with a size smaller than original, the color profile and other metadata weren't saved.
  • Bug fixed: The Blending section of the 'Preview & Adjust' window was not sticky.

21-May-17: Updated in v6.0

Main new features in v6.0
  • New HDR rendering method called Tone Balancer, which is good for realistic-looking results. It is well suited to real estate photographers and natural style landscape photographers who want more realistic style options.
  • A new color adjustment tool, built right into the HDR Rendering panel, allows to change the hue, saturation and brightness of individual colors in your image, which is particularly useful for fixing color casts.
  • A Brush Tool allowing to make adjustments to just part of the image, by selecting the changes to color or brightness, and painting over the area to adjust. The brush can also be used to blend areas with one of the source photos and select multiple effects for different parts of the image, and includes a "Detect Edges" option.
  • For a more realistic look, the HDR rendered image can ben blended with one of the original photos. The Opacity setting allows to get a larger or smaller influence on the end result.
  • A Straightening Tool correct the horizon in the image if it's not level, or when vertical things like walls or buildings don't look vertical. The tool is part of the Finishing Touch palette.
  • A more intuitive workflow makes it easier to load and choose images and proceed through to editing, whether working with a single image, or a bracketed set of photos.
Other updates in v6.0
  • Support of Raw files from the Canon 5D MK IV, Sony A99 MK II and Panasonic GH5 camera models.
  • Automatic lens corrections of RAW files taken with a lens that Photomatix recognizes.
  • Preview image, settings and presets list are now combined into a single window by default. You can revert to using separate windows by selecting "Floating Windows" in Preferences.
  • Added option to resize images when saving.
  • Added Luminance setting to Contrast Optimizer rendering method.
  • Added Split View option in Adjust & Preview window to show original and rendered image side by side.
  • Improved the Crop Tool and added presets for common aspect ratios. The Crop Tool is now part of the Finishing Touch window.
  • Preview image is now sized to fit the screen when it first opens, rather than having the size used in the previous session. You can revert to the old behavior in the Preferences.
  • Updated Raw conversion to give better better looking results for fusion.
  • Bug fixed: Application would not run on systems that did not have msvcr90.dll installed.
  • Bug fixed: Preset thumbnails were sometimes incorrectly displayed when scrolling through them.
  • Bug fixed: Rare crashes with some multiple monitor configurations on 64-bit systems.
  • Bug fixed: Memory used to generate preset thumbnails was not released correctly.
  • 8-Jun-16: Updated in v5.1.3

    • Support of RAW files from recent camera models, such as the Canon 80D and 1300D/T6, Nikon D5 and D500, Olympus Pen-F and E-M10 II, Pentax K-1, Panasonic GX8, Fuji X-10 and Samsumg NX3300, among others.
    • Changed back the default JPEG quality to 100, which is as it was in v5.0 and earlier, instead of a quality of 80 set since version 5.1.0.
    • Improved the quality of the image produced by the Resize function.
    • Updated Smooth 3 preset.
    • Bug fixed: On Windows XP, the Open and Save dialogs listed files in view mode instead of thumbnails mode.

    24-Feb-16: Updated in v5.1.2

    • Support for uncompressed Sony RAW files.
    • Bug fixed: Loading Fuji E-X2 RAW files since the v4 firmware upgrade made Photomatix Pro crash.
    • Bug fixed: Adding the watermark to an image with unusual width and height could cause a crash in specific cases.
    • Bug fixed: Incorrect colors with D810 RAW files. Bug had been introduced in version 5.1.1.
    • Fusion/Natural used in batch mode now always runs in RAM (rather than writing and reading memory to disk as was done in v5.1.1 and earlier)

    18-Oct-15: Updated in v5.1.1

    • Addition of touchscreen support for the case when Photomatix Pro is used in tablet mode.
    • Bug fixed: Dragging the sliders quickly on the Finishing Touch dialog could result in a crash. Bug had been introduced in version 5.1.
    • Bug fixed: When loading RAW files from the Nikon D810, resulting image had incorrect colors. Bug had been introduced in version 5.1.
    • Bug fixed: When loading DNG files created with DxO, resulting image could include black lines. Bug had been introduced in version 5.1.

    5-Sep-15: Updated in v5.1

    • Support for recent camera models such as the Nikon D7200 and Canon 5DS/5DSR, G7X, M3, and 750D/760D (T6i/T6s).
    • Ability to mark presets as Favorites (by clicking on the 'star' icon to the left of each thumbnail) and filter the preset list to only show those favorites.
    • Fusion/Real-Estate renamed into Fusion/Interior and now includes a Brightness setting.
    • Addition of "Architecture" category to filter Presets.
    • By default, the preset name or method name is now appended to the file name of the final image. You can also adjust the suffix in the Preferences panel.
    • On Batch of Bracketed Photos, addition of Base Exposure option for deghosting.
    • The alignment is now done with one alignment method for all cases. The alignment settings (perspective correction option and maximum alignment shift) can be pre-selected via an Alignment Preset pull-down menu.
    • "License Information" panel shows the license status, as well as the license key if a Photomatix Pro copy has already been registered on the computer.
    • Ability to reset the positions of the program's windows. This can be done on the Preferences panel under the "Advanced tab.
    • The Batch Bracketed Photos and Batch Single Photos windows have been rearranged. The source and destination controls are now all on the left hand side, while the processing options are on the right. Other options have also been moved or renamed slightly, but all the features in version 5.0 are still available in version 5.1.  
    • When loading bracketed photos with different orientation (i.e. inverted width and height), a prompt offers the option to rotate the photo(s) to the same orientation.
    • JPEG quality default value is now 80 instead of 100.
    • Addition of two built-in Presets ('Interior 3' and 'Smooth 3') under the Architecture category.
    • Bug fixed: On Open Panel to load images, thumbnail of selected file incorrectly displayed images in portrait mode
    • Bug fixed: Sliders on the Setting Adjustments and Finishing Touch windows were not working smoothly, especially with large images.
    • Bug fixed: Preset panel could become too small and non-resizable in some cases when a category was selected before leaving the previous Tone Mapping / Fusion session.
    • Bug fixed: Preset category selected for custom presets ("My presets" tab) was not remembered in the next session.
    • Bug fixed: After having closed then reopened the Presets panel, the '2-column' and 'zoom' controls on top of the Preset panel did not work anymore.
    • Bug fixed: When loading JPEG grayscale images, the Preview image for Tone Mapping / Fusion did not always display correctly.
    • Bug fixed: In Batch Single Photos, files stored on some NAS storage devices were not processed in alphabetical order.

    29-Oct-14: Updated in v5.0.5

    • Added support for recent camera models such as the Panasonic GH4 and Nikon D750 and D810.
    • On Batch Bracketed Photos, resizing options now differentiate between landscape and portrait orientation (by letting the user resize the long and short edge instead of width and height), and offer the ability to automatically set the short edge based on the long edge.
    • Bug fixed: Processing Nikon D600 Raw files could result in pink highlights. (Bug had been fixed in version 4.2.7 but reintroduced in version 5.0)
    • Bug fixed: With some specific images, the Batch Bracketed Photos could crash when the "perspective correction" option was left unchecked.
    • Bug fixed: The '360º image' option of the Fusion/Real-Estate method did not work.
    • Bug fixed: The Fusion/Real-Estate method didn't properly support 64-bit addressing, resulting in incorrect result when fusing a relatively high number of large files, such as 7 or more 200 MegaPixels panoramas for instance.
    • Windows 8 users can now run Photomatix without having to install an older version of the .NET Framework. Bug fixed: Crop feature required to start the crop selection from the top left.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when running Photomatix on systems with more than 32 cores.
    • Bug fixed: Button to choose custom output location was sometimes incorrectly disabled in Batch Processing window.
    • Bug fixed: Loading ZIP-compressed TIFF files coming from an iPhone could result in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: No error message was shown when TIFF files with unsupported compression format failed to load.
    • Bug fixed: With greyscale JPEG images, the preview on the Deghosting Options window did not display correctly.
    • If a font needed by Photomatix is missing on the computer, the FontViewer utility is started to allow installing the missing font directly.

    24-May-14: Updated in v5.0.4

    • Added support for Raw files from recent camera models such as the Sony A6000, Canon 1200D, and Nikon D4s, D3300 and Coolpix P340.
    • Bug fixed: Images with a very high aspect ratio caused a crash upon loading the tonemapping/fusion windows.
    • Bug fixed: When merging a high number (e.g. 20 or more) of bracketed images, the alignment could fail due to improver 64-bit addressing.
    • Bug fixed: On computers where the font 'Arial' or 'Times Regular' was not installed properly, launching Photomatix resulted in an error.
    • Bug fixed: Preset Thumbnails panel showed when option "Show Preset Thumbnails" was unchecked in Preferences.
    • Bug fixed: Merging photos having different pixel sizes and with the "Remove ghost" option selected resulted in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: Batch Bracketed Photos with Fusion methods did not create the 32-bit HDR file even though the "Create intermediary 32-bit HDR" option was selected.
    • Bug fixed: Temporary files created when using Photomatix Pro via the Lightroom Export Plugin weren't deleted if the process was canceled by the user, or failed.
    • Bug fixed: In Selective Deghosting mode, clicking on "Remove selection" did not immediately remove the selection from the deghosting Preview
    • Bug fixed: When the Batch Bracketed Photos or Batch Single Photos was running while another program (e.g. Adobe Bridge) was accessing the files created by the batch, there could be small additional files created in the destination folder.
    • Bug fixed: On some computer configurations, the error message "Path not of legal form" could be returned when invoking the Batch Bracketed Photos.

    10-Mar-14: Updated in v5.0.3

    • Bug fixed: When Nikon D610 RAW files were loaded, resulting image had red lines on the border. Bug had been introduced in v5.0.2.
    • Bug fixed: Zooming did not work correctly for Deghosting Preview on some systems with multiple monitors.
    • Bug fixed: "View Settings" button in Workflow Shortcuts window was incorrectly enabled for images processed with Fusion/Auto.
    • Bug fixed: Adding contrast using presets in the Finishing options for Batch Single Photos produced different results from using the same presets in the Finishing Touch dialog.
    • Bug fixed: Color space setting and choice of custom/source folder destination in Batch Bracketed Photos weren't sticky.
    • Bug fixed: Maximum shift setting for "hand-held" alignment option was incorrect when Photomatix Pro was run for the first time.

    11-Feb-14: Updated in v5.0.2

    • Added support for RAW files of recent camera models such as the Nikon Df, Pentax K-3, and Sony A7 and A7R.
    • On Batch Bracketed Photos, added a "Previous Session (non-batch)" item to the list of the Preset pop-up menu.
    • Changed the item selected by default on the File Format combo-box for saving tonemapped/fused images from TIFF to JPEG (selected item is "sticky", so change only affects first use).
    • Bug fixed: When running the Batch Bracketed Photos with the 'Use Preset" option and the selected Preset is related to a Tone Mapping method, the name of the created tone mapped file included the method's name.
    • Bug fixed: When using the feature to replace a selection with source with the Fusion/Real-Estate method, the fused image was incorrect.
    • Bug fixed: On Windows 8, the Progress window did not show after having used the Deghosting Options dialog.
    • Bug fixed: Running the Batch Bracketed Photos using the 'Interior' Preset or Fusion/Real-Estate method on a OS with limited RAM, with relatively large bracketed photos or a high number of them, could result in an error due to a crash in the process.
    • Bug fixed: Using the "Remove ghosts" option caused a crash when merging very large images.
    • Bug fixed: With some user selected Windows themes, the font colors of some dialogs made the text almost unreadable.
    • Bug fixed: Photomatix Pro could freeze if the program's window was minimized while running the ghost removal process.

    29-Dec-13: Updated in v5.0.1

    • Added support for D610 RAW files.
    • Bug fixed: On a computer without the Verdana font installed, the program crashed at start-up.
    • Bug fixed: Location of the main application window was reset to default when it was last closed on a secondary monitor while not being maximized.
    • Bug fixed: With the "Refresh continuously as slider moves" option enabled, Undo/Redo action on the Settings Adjustment window did not remember some of the intermediate settings.
    • Bug fixed: Saved images could sometime not open in Capture NX2.
    • Bug fixed: Selected Preset on Batch Bracketed Photos was not "sticky".

    20-Nov-13: Updated in v5.0

    Main new features in v5.0
    • New Tone Mapping method named Contrast Optimizer. It is good at producing realistic-looking results while still enhancing shadows and highlights. You can access it via the 'Balanced' preset (second on the list).
    • New Fusion method called Fusion/Real-Estate. It is intended for rendering interior scenes with a view out of the window. It replaces the Fusion/Realistic method available in batch mode in version 4.2.
    • Option to enable Exposure Fusion when a single RAW file is loaded.
    • Automatic Deghosting offers additional options: You can adjust the Deghosting strength and select the base exposure used, with the help of a preview of the deghosted image.
    • Updates in Batch of Bracketed Photos: You can now select a Preset directly from the main batch window, and can also process with multiple presets and custom settings.
    • More options on Workflow Shortcuts panel. In particular, ability to return with one click to the last session to process the image again with different settings.
    • Option to refresh Preview continuously as slider moves. You can enable it on the General section of the Preferences dialog (not available when the OS is Windows 32-bit).
    Other updates in v5.0
    • Significant improvements to alignment of hand-held images.
    • Automatic highlight recovery is now used before tone mapping a single RAW file.
    • When using Photomatix Pro via the Lightroom Plugin, photos part of a Collection are now re-imported into the Collection.
    • Better support for multiple monitor configurations.
    • Contextual help for Merge to HDR Options shows in a help frame.
    • Bug fixed: Minimising and restoring Photomatix main window could result in displayed images not being shown correctly.
    • Bug fixed: Open and Save As dialogs always appeared on the primary monitor, even if Photomatix was displaying on a different one.
    • Bug fixed: Setting information embedded in output images was incorrect when using Batch Bracketed Photos.
    • Bug fixed: Some windows opened in incorrect locations if Photomatix was closed when minimised.
    • Bug fixed: Photomatix did not show in the task bar on startup if the Workflow Shortcuts window was disabled in the preferences.
    • Bug fixed: Minimising and then restoring Photomatix main window made Finishing Touch window disappear.
    • Bug fixed: Values for red and blue were swapped around in the Preview for adjusting the White Balance when loading RAW files.

    24-May-13: Updated in v4.2.7

    • Updated Raw conversion to add support for Raw files from the Nikon D7100, Panasonic GH3 and Sony NEX-5R.
    • Bug fixed: Clicking on the "View Settings" button after having processed an image could result in an error.
    • Bug fixed: Orientation of Preset panel could not be changed when the active window was not the Preview window.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when loading Raw files from the Nikon D1X.
    • Bug fixed: Fuji X-Pro1 Raw files were not properly supported.
    • Bug fixed: Issue of pink highlights happening with some D600 Raw files.

    20-Jan-13: Updated in v4.2.6

    • Updated Raw conversion to add support for recent camera models such as the Canon 6D, G15, S110, or Sony A99 among others.
    • Made the installer detect when the .NET framework 3.5 is missing (which may happen on Windows 8), and show dialogs to invite the user to install it.
    • Bug fixed: On the File Open dialog, thumbnail of the selected image was not displayed in the case of Raw files.
    • Bug fixed: On some configurations, running the Batch Bracketed Photos with Details Enhancer tone mapping resulted in a crash. Bug had been introduced in v4.2.5.
    • Bug fixed: Clicking on the Utilities menu after having saved an image resulted in an Unhandled Exception error.
    • Bug fixed: When the user does not have the right permission to access the "Application Data" directory, an error was generated upon loading the tonemapping/fusion windows.

    18-Nov-12: Updated in v4.2.5

    • Added support for Raw files from the Nikon D600.
    • Bug fixed: Color management was not working with monitor profiles created with version 4 of ICC specifications.
    • Bug fixed: When a custom path for storing presets was set in Preferences, loading the Tone Mapping Adjustments window caused a crash.
    • Bug fixed: On 32-bit OS, merging relatively large images (e.g. D800 files) with the deghosting option enabled resulted in an out of memory error.
    • Bug fixed: Lens information was not transferred when source images were Raw files, or when resulting image was saved as TIFF.
    • Bug fixed: Batch listed files with missing leading zeros (e.g. image99 and image100) in alphanumerical order which resulted in listing image100 before image99.
    • Bug fixed: Camera manufacturer information ('Make' tag) was not always transferred to the saved image.
    • Bug fixed: Items of the 'Utilities' menu were enabled on a 32-bit intermediary HDR image prior to tonemapping and fusion whereas the actions of the items could not be applied to fusion.

    25-Aug-12: Updated in v4.2.4

    • Bug fixed: Images created by Photomatix Pro could make ViewNX2 crash when viewing them.
    • Bug fixed: Batch Bracketed Photos ignored deghosting option when the selected process(es) did not include Merge to HDR.
    • Bug fixed: Running the batch while the selected destination folder is not writeable resulted in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: Paint Shop Pro could not always properly display images created by Photomatix Pro.
    • Bug fixed: Default file name for the merged image was truncated when the file names of the bracketed photos contained dots.
    • Bug fixed: Loading a Tone Mapping preset via the Presets combo-box resulted in a wrong preview if the current selection was an Exposure Fusion method.
    • Bug fixed: Dialog for entering EV information could crash if the loaded images had an alpha channel.
    • Bug fixed: The automatic ghost removal did not always give the same result in batch mode as when loading the photos manually.
    • Updated Raw conversion to add support for recent camera models such as the Canon 650D / T4i.
    • Lightroom Plug-in: Added naming options for the re-imported file and fixed issue of GPS location metadata being removed on export from Lightroom 4.

    3-Jul-12: Updated in v4.2.3

    • Bug fixed: Canon Raws shot in SRAW/MRAW mode were not converted properly.
    • Bug fixed: With some specific image width and height, tone mapping with Details Enhancer in Lighting Effects mode could cause a very dark output and/or artifacts at the left and/or bottom of the image. Bug had been introduced in version 4.2.2.
    • Added support for DNG files created with the Embed Fast Load Data option.
    • Bug fixed: Windows could be shown off-screen on dual-monitor configurations.
    • Bug fixed: In some cases, the Finishing Touch window was not showing.
    • Bug fixed: Rotating, resizing or cropping an image while the Finishing Touch window was open resulted in a scrambled output.
    • Made position of Loupe and Raw Processing Options windows sticky.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when showing preview at large size, under some configurations.

    15-Jun-12: Updated in v4.2.2

    • Bug fixed: Some windows (Finishing Touch in particular) could disappear or become inaccessible.
    • Bug fixed: 32-bit HDR files saved as 32-bit Floating Point TIFF were displayed very overexposed when opened in Photoshop or Lightroom 4.1.
    • Bug fixed: Presets menu could sometime overlap display options.
    • Bug fixed: Menu shortcuts sometimes failed to work correctly.
    • Bug fixed: Switching presets could result in an error under some circumstances.
    • Bug fixed: Issue of file saved under another name and empty file created, that was fixed in version 4.2.1, could still happen on some configurations.
    • Bug fixed: Upon invoking tone mapping/fusion, windows could expand out of the main window bounds by default.
    • Bug fixed: Flickering in title bars.
    • Increased the size of the borders of some windows to make it easier to resize them.
    • Added support for Raw files from the Nikon D800E.

    14-May-12: Updated in v4.2.1

    • Bug fixed: On some configurations, file could be saved under another name while file created under the chosen file name was empty.
    • Bug fixed: A crash could occur when using the Sharpening function of the Finishing Touch panel.
    • Bug fixed: After having minimized the program's window, the image could become very small.
    • Bug fixed: If the 'Verdana' font was not installed on the computer, Photomatix would crash at start-up.

    30-Apr-12: Updated in v4.2

      Main new features in v4.2
    • Display options for preset thumbnails: View at a larger size or in two columns, and filtering built-in presets by category.
    • Simplified size options on Preview dialog: Size ratio mechanism replaced by magnifier icons for zooming in or out at 20% increments.
    • "Finishing Touch" palette for post-processing a tonemapped or fused image: Options for increasing contrast, adjusting the saturation of individual colors, and sharpening.
    • Addition of 20 built-in presets.
    • New fusion method designed to produce natural-looking rendering of interiors with bright windows. This method is called Fusion/Realistic and is only accessible in batch mode. Note that Fusion/Realistic requires much longer processing times than the other methods.
    • Transfer of all EXIF metadata in the source photos to the tonemapped or fused image.
    Other updates in v4.2
    • Option to import presets. The option is accessible from the Preset Category combo-box when the "My Presets" tab is selected.
    • Changes in the Details Enhancer algorithm aimed at addressing the issue of difference between the preview and final image that may occur in some cases.
    • Custom presets can now be organized in groups. Presets belonging to a group are listed under a sub-menu of the Preset combo-box list of the Setting Adjustments dialog, as well as on the Preset Category combo-box of the Preset Thumbnails panel when the "My Presets" tab is selected.
    • Option in Batch of Bracketed Photos for reducing the size of the output files, and adding contrast and sharpening.
    • Added support for Raw files from the Canon S100, 5D Mark III and G1 X, Nikon D4 and D800, Panasonic GX1, Fuji X10 and Sony NEX-7.
    • Various small improvements to the dialog for entering EVs that is showing when the source photos do not contain exif metadata or when one or more exposures are the same. In the latter case, the dialog now lists the exposure information read from the EXIF metadata.
    • In Naming Options of Batch Bracketed Photos, ability to only use the name of the first file in the bracketed set to compose the file name of the combined image.
    • File created in batch mode is automatically renamed if a file with the same file name already exists.
    • Added detection of DNG files saved with Fast Load Data option, returning an error message when loading them instead of processing incorrectly.
    • Made watermark removal accessible to licensed users of Photomatix Essentials and Photomatix HDR Plug-In for Aperture.
    • Made the position of histogram, preview and settings windows remembered when quitting, and restored next time the program is used.
    • In Batch Bracketed Photos, increased the number of images that may be processed at a time to 17.
    • Bug fixed: Preset thumbnails were not color managed.
    • Bug fixed: Tone mapping large single files could fail because of insufficient memory.
    • Bug fixed: When tone mapping with selection replacement, crash sometimes occurred when tone mapping again after having undone the tone mapping.
    • Bug fixed: Using Undo in Fusion/Natural settings caused Fusion/Intensive settings to be reset to their default values, and vice versa.
    • Bug fixed: TIFF files larger than 2GB could not be accessed.
    • Bug fixed: Cropping an image with a crop area that included the right or bottom boundary could cause incorrect results or a crash.
    • Bug fixed: Zooming into or out of an image sometimes did not work correctly.
    • Bug fixed: SWR file extension was not accepted as valid Raw file extension.

    20-Nov-11: Updated in v4.1.4

    • Updated Raw conversion function, adding among others support of Raw files from Olympus E-PL3, Nikon P7100, and Sony A77 and A65.
    • Bug fixed: When using two or more monitors, Preset Thumbnails panel could sometimes show truncated.

    25-Oct-11: Updated in v4.1.3

    • Updated Raw conversion function, adding support of Raw files from the Olympus E-P3, Leica D-LUX 6 and V-LUX 2, Panasonic G3/G3F, and Sony NEX-C3 and SLT-A35.
    • Bug fixed: Saving via the "Save Image" menu item did not work properly in some cases, saving with a file extension different from the actual file format written.
    • Bug fixed: Photomatix settings embedded in image saved as JPEG did not display when clicking on the "View Settings" button.
    • Bug fixed: 32-bit HDR histogram was not working. Bug had been introduced in v4.1.
    • Bug fixed: Batch was not taking into account custom directory for temporary files set in Preferences.
    • Bug fixed: The exposure of 32-bit HDR image file created with deghosting on was 9 to 10 stops higher than exposure of 32-bit HDR image file created without deghosting. Bug prevented to stitch 32-bit HDR files when some of the frames needed deghosting and others not.
    • Bug fixed: When height of source image is particularly height (e.g. 10500 pixels high), using the options for reducing chromatic aberrations caused bands of color artifacts in the upper side of the image.
    • Bug fixed: Options for deghosting, noise and chromatic aberration reduction could be selected when using strip by strip processing in batch.
    • Bug fixed: Changing the radius setting of the Fusion Intensive method on multiple core computers could generate a crash.
    • Bug fixed: Rotating an image after having cropped it returned an error.
    • Bug fixed: Workflow shortcut panel could not be reopened after having been closed.
    • Bug fixed: 32-bit HDR image generated from Raw files with ProPhoto RGB as color primaries was different depending on whether the merge was done in batch mode or from the main interface.
    • Bug fixed: Processing images having different sizes via the Lightroom plug-in resulted in garbled output.

    29-Aug-11: Updated in v4.1.2

    • Bug fixed: When ghost removal was selected, undoing Tone Mapping or Fusion and then clicking on Tone Mapping / Fusion again returned an error.
    • Bug fixed: When the replacement with source image was used, undoing Tone Mapping or Fusion resulted in a black image.
    • Bug fixed: On a dual-monitor setting, the Preset Thumbnails window was cut off if Photomatix was started on non primary monitor.
    • Bug fixed: Temporary files were not deleted when the user had set in Preferences a custom location for temporary files.
    • Bug fixed: "jpe" extension was not recognized as a JPEG image type.
    • Bug fixed: Choosing "File > Exit" didn't close the application when Workflow Shortcuts window was displayed.
    • Bug fixed: When the last used source or destination folder of the batch was not accessible anymore, invoking the batch resulted in a crash.
    • Bug fixed: "Filter by" setting for the file list of the Batch Bracketed Photos was not taken into account when auto-detecting bracketed sets.
    • Bug fixed: On the browse dialog, the thumbnail was not displayed when the image file did not have an embedded thumbnail.
    • Bug fixed: running Photomatix Pro under WINE could result in a black output after processing.

    21-Jul-11: Updated in v4.1.1

    • Bug fixed: Clicking on Undo Tone Mapping or Undo Exposure Fusion resulted in a completely black image.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when processing RAW files from the Fuji S2, S3 or S5.

    16-Jul-11: Updated in v4.1

    • Ability to select a region on the Tone Mapping/Fusion preview and replace it with a source photo. A "Selection Mode" option on the Preview window lets users select one or more regions with lasso tools and replace the selected region with one of the source image(s). "Attach to Edges" button automatically adjusts the selection to follow the nearest edges.
    • Improved automatic ghosting reduction: more ghosts removed and less artifacts.
    • Addition of Sharpness setting to Fusion/Adjust method.
    • Improvements to Fusion/Intensive method: several times faster and better results.
    • Option to exclude perspective correction from alignment by matching features.
    • "Quick Selection" option added on Selective Deghosting tool, so that region is automatically marked as ghosted once selected with the lasso tool.
    • Added option in Preferences not to show the Preset Thumbnails panel when the Tone Mapping/Fusion windows load.
    • Made double-clicking on sliders reset to default value for the setting.
    • The Selective Deghosting dialog now shows thumbnails of source photos in contextual menu for selecting photos at a specific EV.
    • Implemented custom scrollbar and improved custom sliders and buttons.
    • Added ability to set the maximum alignment shift.
    • Added option in Preferences for setting location for temporary files used for processing large files with Details Enhancer in "Preview" mode, or processing relatively large files with Fusion/Adjust.
    • On Windows 7, the taskbar progress bar now shows during processing.
    • Added back option to convert raws to pseudo-HDR with Batch Single Photos.
    • Made it possible to batch process jpeg and tiff files without tonemapping using Batch Single Photos.
    • Bracketed images having different width and/or height can now be loaded for HDR processing.
    • Cosmetic naming and presentation changes on the Details Enhancer Settings Adjustments window.
    • Updated RAW conversion to support files from the Nikon D5100, Fuji HS20EXR, F550EXR and X100, Olympus E-PL2 and XZ-1, Samsung NX1 and Sony A-290.
    • Added ability to dock preview settings on the left or right hand side of the application window.
    • Added option in Preferences to set whether the histogram shows when starting a new tonemapping session.
    • Improved mouse wheel support.
    • Bug fixed: JPEG files straight of the camera in portrait mode were not always loaded in the correct orientation.
    • Bug fixed: Images saved as TIFF not showing the correct DPI resolution in Adobe Bridge
    • Bug fixed: Tone Mapping of underexposed single JPEG or 8-bit TIFF produced bad result.
    • Bug fixed: Multiple Undo/Redo on the Setting Adjustments window was not working properly.
    • Bug fixed: After having clicked on the "Undo Fusion" menu item on a fused image, the result was black when fusing again.
    • Bug fixed: When running Photomatix Pro in trial mode via the Lightroom plugin, the prompt notifying about the trial was showing behind the Selective Deghosting window and blocking it.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when processing greyscale images.
    • Bug fixed: On the Selective Deghosting window, the photo selected by default on the contextual menu was often not the appropriate exposure for the ghosted region.
    • Bug fixed: Random crashes under some specific user configuration when using the browse dialog.
    • Bug fixed: When reimporting processed images in Lightroom, stacking was not working properly when the user selected another photo in Lightroom before Photomatix Pro finished processing the image.
    • Bug fixed: various memory leaks.
    • Bug fixed: "360 degree image" option was not part of the settings embedded in tonemapped image.
    • Bug fixed: When loading raw files from the Pentax K-5 (and likely other Pentax models), the resulting image had red lines on the right border.
    • Bug fixed: When fusing images having the same EV values, the EXIF information was not preserved in the fused image.
    • Bug fixed: Preset Thumbnails panel disappeared when the program's window was minimized and then restored.
    • Bug fixed: An image that had been saved as JPEG or 8-bit TIFF could not be re-saved as 16-bit TIFF.
    • Bug fixed: Histogram for Red color was displaying the histogram for Blue color and vice versa
    • Bug fixed: Error returned by Photoshop when opening an image saved in Photomatix and that had been tonemapped a second time after having re-opened a tonemapped image.
    • Bug fixed: Loading images with different orientation value in their metadata made the alignment crash.
    • Bug fixed: NEF files from the Nikon D7000 shot as multiple exposure could result in strong magenta cast.
    • Bug fixed: Crash when running under Wine.

    18-Nov-10: Updated in v4.0.2

    • Added support for RAW files of new camera models such as the Canon 60D and G12, Nikon D7000, Olympus E-5, and Pentax K-r and K-5 among others.
    • Bug fixed: Preset Thumbnails panel did not show a scrollbar upon selecting the "My Presets" tab when a scrollbar was not needed to display the initial built-in presets.
    • Bug fixed: The preview was not color managed in the case of the Exposure Fusion methods.
    • Bug fixed: On the Lightroom plug-in dialog, the "Crop resulting images" and "Align images" options were not sticky.
    • Bug fixed: When selective deghosting tool had been invoked but no region marked as ghosted, an error was returned when using the Loupe on the tonemapping/fusion preview.
    • Bug fixed: The exposure fusion settings were not correctly embedded in the resulting images.
    • Bug fixed: Browse dialog was crashing under Windows 98 or 2000.
    • Bug fixed: Mouse wheel was not taken into account on the Preset Thumbnails panel.
    • Bug fixed: The batch processing did not recognize the NRW raw file extension.

    17-Oct-10: Updated in v4.0.1

    • Bug fixed: When loading RAW files directly in Photomatix, the datetime and camera model of the saved tonemapped or fused image were scrambled.
    • Bug fixed: The processed image was not displayed when the user is logged-in as a non administrative user.
    • Bug fixed: Raw conversion routine did not set the black value correctly, which could result in pink highlights in the resulting image with RAW files as input.
    • Bug fixed: The "View Settings" feature was not working after having opened a saved tonemapped or fused JPEG image.
    • Bug fixed: The automatic bracket detection of the "Advanced" selection option of the Batch Processing did not work properly with RAW files as source.
    • Bug fixed: After having clicked on the "My Presets" tab while there were no custom presets, changing a setting returned an error.
    • Bug fixed: When the Preset Thumbnails panel was docked and its orientation changed, it would go to the right place but be undocked, overlapping the Preview window.
    • Bug fixed: The Preset Thumbnails panel sometimes displayed scrollbar and content in the wrong orientation.
    • Bug fixed: When loading RAW files directly in Photomatix and processing with one of the Exposure Fusion methods, the ICC color profile and XMP metadata embedded in the saved fused image were corrupted.
    • Bug fixed: Selecting more ghosted regions than the number of source images on the Selective Deghosting window returned an error.
    • Bug fixed: The Presets folder was not created if it did not already exist.
    • Bug fixed: Some controls were not displaying when the program is run under Wine on Linux.

    28-Sep-10: Updated in v4.0

    Main new features in v4.0
    • Selective deghosting tool: enables users to select ghosted regions with a lasso tool, and change the preferred image taken for each selected region.
    • Preset thumbnails panel: built-in and user presets for tone mapping and fusion show as thumbnails in a panel alongside the preview. Panel can be set in horizontal or vertical orientation.
    • High quality noise reduction with new algorithm applied on source images (users can still use the old algorithm when the noise reduction is applied to the merged 32-bit HDR image).
    • Ability to tone map a single image in 8 bits/channel mode.
    • Unified dialog for HDR Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion methods.
    • Viewing of tone mapping or fusion settings embedded in processed image.
    • Improved rendering of Tone Compressor tone mapping method with default settings and extension of the range of the Tonal Range Compression setting.
    Other updates in v4.0
    • Option in Preferences to customise default filename.
    • Alignment with the "by matching feature" method now takes into account perspective correction in addition to rotation, translation and scaling.
    • Faster upsampling of preview for tonemapping/fusion, with zooming control in the form of a slider instead of a stepper.
    • Dialog enabling to adjust options when opening a single RAW file in order to tone map it.
    • Batch of single files adds options for noise and CA reduction and RAW conversion white balance and color space.
    • Transfer of lens information when available in source images in TIFF or JPEG format, or Canon RAW files (other camera manufacturers apparently encrypt the information).
    • Transfer of XMP metadata information from the source to the resulting image.
    • Embedding of tone mapping and fusion settings in images saved as JPEG (previously was only when saved as TIFF).
    • Changed options in Preferences to bypass dialogs so that in enables to bypass all dialogs till tonemapping/fusion instead of just the dialog asking what to do with the dragged files.
    • Faster processing and reduced memory usage for Fusion/Adjust.
    • Ability to move selected slider and to zoom image using the mouse wheel.
    • Photomatix Pro is now minimizing itself when reimporting into Lightroom.
    • Added "Save Image" menu options which directly saves the file with default name and location set in Preferences, without showing dialog prompting for filename.
    • Extended time for automatic bracket detection of batch processing from 8 to 64 seconds.
    • Enabled zoom factor of less than 100% for the zoom slider of the Tone Mapping preview window, and adjusted fit-to-screen to replace the upsampling from the smallest size by a downsampling from the medium size.
    • Set the DPI setting for exporting with the Lightroom plug-in to 300 pixels/inch instead of the Lightroom's default of 240 pixels/inch.
    • Made the Lightroom plug-in ignore the error returned by Lightroom when importing a photo that is already in the catalog.
    • Added support for reading PSB files (8, 16 and 32 bits/channel).
    • Multi-threading support added to RAW demosacing, parts of fusion/adjust and last part of "by matching features" alignment.
    • Bug fixed: When the metadata of source files contained hierarchical keywords set in Lightroom, the hierarchical keyword structure was not preserved in the tone mapped tiff file.
    • Bug fixed: Black Point setting for Fusion/Adjust had almost no effect
    • Bug fixed: Opening a panorama displayed with a height of less than 400 pixels could make the HDR viewer crash.
    • Bug fixed: Panning an image using the scrollbars could sometimes show a trail.
    • Bug fixed: With some raw files thumbnails did not show on browser for loading files.
    • Bug fixed: Loupe was opening on top of status bar when the task bar orientation is set to be on top.
    • Bug fixed: Saving as Radiance when the image has a width higher than 32768 pixels produced invalid files (Radiance files need to be written uncompressed in this case, as RLE-compression requires that the image is less than 32768 pixels wide).

    18-May-10: Updated in v3.2.9

    • Bug fixed: Crash with 64-bit edition when batch processing images with Exposure Fusion methods.

    18-Apr-10: Updated in v3.2.8

    • Support of RAW files from recent camera models such as the NIKON D3S, Pentax K-x, Sony A550 and Canon 550D/T2i, S90 and 1D Mark IV.
    • Adjusted the raw conversion process to reduce memory fragmentation.
    • Bug fixed: In the 64-bit edition, thumbnails were not displayed when browsing image files.
    • Bug fixed: Batch of single files could transfer incorrect image orientation.

    7-Jan-10: Updated in v3.2.7

    • Set the color conversion for display to use the relative intent of the display color profile instead of perceptual.
    • Made "HDR Generation - Options" dialog resizable.
    • Slightly modified the way memory allocation is made for reduction of noise and Chromatic Aberrations.
    • Added suffix to the name of files resulting from using the "Remove watermark" option in Batch Single Files.
    • Bug fixed: White Balance and Color Profile options on HDR Generation dialog were not sticky.
    • Bug fixed: Auto White-balance was not applied correctly in batch processing.
    • Bug fixed: Errors when saving image file (e.g. due to full disk) were not always reported.
    • Bug fixed: Saving as Jpeg could cause a crash when a write error happened.
    • Bug fixed: Alignment option with Exposure Fusion/Adjust method was not taken into account with large source image files.
    • Bug fixed: Position of the histogram window remembered from last session was sometimes out of view.

    11-Oct-09: Updated in v3.2.6

    • Bug fixed: The Loupe's marquee still showed on the preview when the mouse was not positioned in it anymore.
    • Bug fixed: Failure to correctly process Pentax PEF files. Bug had been introduced in version 3.2.4.
    • Bug fixed: Failure to correctly process RAW files from the Olympus E-500. Bug had been introduced in version 3.2.4.

    29-Sep-09: Updated in v3.2.5

    • Added "Fit to window" button on Tone Mapping preview dialog.
    • Made the ratio and preview magnification settings remembered separately depending on whether the image is in landscape or portrait mode.
    • Bug fixed: Using RAW files as source images produced incorrect results. Bug had been introduced in v3.2.4.

    28-Sep-09: Updated in v3.2.4

    • Bug fixed: When the height of the program's main window was relatively small, the Tone Mapping Preview dialog did not show.
    • Bug fixed: When an HDR image file was opened in preview mode, processing with tone mapping crashed.
    • Updated RAW conversion routine to support RAW files from new camera models, such as the Canon 7D, Nikon D5000 and D300s, Olympus E-P1 and E-620, Panasonic FZ35 and GF1, Pentax K-7, and Sony A230, A330, A380 and A850.

    16-Sep-09: Updated in v3.2.3

    • Bug fixed: 360 degree image option was not taken into account when fusing exposures with Adjust method in non-batch mode.
    • Bug fixed: Color Space and White Balance settings on "Generate HDR - Options" dialog were not sticky.
    • Bug fixed: Checking the "Use XMP settings in each subfolder" on the tone mapping settings panel in batch mode did not make the batch use the XMP file.
    • Bug fixed: In some rare cases, saving images was not possible.

    25-Aug-09: Updated in v3.2.2

    • Bug fixed: Loading tone mapping presets sometimes failed.
    • Bug fixed: Image orientation exif tag was not transferred from the source to the resulting image saved as JPEG or TIFF.
    • Bug fixed: "360 degree image" option of Details Enhancer was not taken into account with files processed via Batch Processing.
    • Bug fixed: Intermittent crash with generate HDR when "by matching features" alignment method was selected still occurred for some users in v3.2.1.
    • Made the width of the tone mapping settings palette resizable in order to make it possible for users running a Korean version of Windows to see the sliders in their totality.
    • Added shortcuts for Undo and Redo buttons of Tone Mapping settings palette.
    • Bug fixed: Clicking on the "Show Original" button of the Tone Mapping Preview dialog showed a black preview for some users.
    • Bug fixed: tone mapping a 16-bit image file did not produced correct output (lacked contrast and was too bright, as if a wrong gamma had been applied).
    • Bug fixed: For users not having standard fonts installed on their system, invoking Tone Mapping returned an error.

    10-Aug-09: Updated in v3.2.1

    • Scrollbars added to tone mapping preview
    • Bug fixed: display of images was not color managed anymore (bug was introduced in v3.2.0)
    • Bug fixed: When tone mapping a 16-bit image and the preview width is not a multiple of 4, the preview was scrambled at 100% Preview Magnification.
    • Bug fixed: Loupe for Tone Mapping preview could have erratic movements when settings changed.
    • Bug fixed: On some computer configurations, clicking on the 'Show Original' button resulted in a black preview.
    • Bug fixed: warnings were enabled when loading TIFF file with the 64-bit edition.
    • Bug fixed: multi-threading support was not enabled when tone mapping from the interface.
    • Bug fixed: When the length of the iptc data embedded in an image saved as JPEG was not a multiple of 2, Photoshop returned an error/warning message about corrupted Photoshop data when opening the JPEG file.
    • Bug fixed: RLE-compressed 16-bit PSD files could not be loaded.

    13-Jul-09: Updated in v3.2

    Summary of main updates
    • Multi-threading support for Tone Compressor and parts of Details Enhancer
    • Details Enhancer settings improvements: New mode offering finer control for Smoothing setting (i.e. the setting that controls "natural" vs "artificial" look) and improved effect of Highlights Smoothness (i.e. the setting that preserves "clean" skies)
    • Ability to tag saved images with keyword
    • Built-in presets for Details Enhancer
    • More robust alignment for "by matching features" method.
    • Batch processing advanced options: automatic detection of bracketed photos and ability to process a sub-set of each bracketed set.
    Detailed list of updates
  • Updated RAW conversion routine to support RAW files from the Canon 500D/T1i, Nikon D3X, Olympus E30, Pentax K-m/K2000, Canon SX1/SX110 and Panasonic GH1.
  • Multi-threading support for tone mapping: complete multi-threading for Tone Compressor method and partial for Details Enhancer method. The maximum number of cores used can be adjusted in Preferences.
  • Details Enhancer's Light Smoothing setting (renamed "Smoothing" in v3.2) has now two modes. The new mode is in the form of a slider and produces a slightly different effect. The behavior of previous versions corresponds to the "Light" mode which is in the form of five buttons named "Min", "Low", "Mid", "High" and "Max".
  • Details Enhancer's Highlights Smoothness setting (i.e. the setting that avoids grey highlights and preserves "clean" skies) has been significantly improved.
  • Improved the accuracy of the Tone Mapping preview compared to the final image and changed the size options on the preview dialog. Size options are now ratios of the input HDR image such as 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8. Intermediary sizes are achieved via the 'Preview Magnification' setting.
  • Histogram of tone mapping dialog in now available per color channel and shows in a separate window. The count and percentile of each level is displayed while the user moves the mouse over the histogram.
  • Contextual help for the tone mapping controls shows in an expandable section of the Tone Mapping Settings dialog.
  • Batch Processing adds an option for automatically detecting the photos belonging to a bracketed set. This option is useful when some of the photos in the processed folder are not part of a bracketed set and/or when the number of frames per bracketed set varies.
  • Batch Processing adds an option for processing a sub-set of each bracketed set. This option is useful, for instance, when the user wish to batch process only three frames of bracketed sets containing five frames taken in one-EV step each.
  • Based on requests from time-lapse photographers, Batch Processing now reads any valid Tone Mapping setting XMP file saved under a processed sub-folder, and use its settings to tone map the images of the sub-folder.
  • Improved alignment of "by matching features" method.
  • Added built-in presets for Details Enhancer. Presets are "Natural", "Smooth Skies", "Painterly" and "Grunge", and are accessible from the Presets combo-box.
  • Added ability to tag saved images with keyword set in Preferences. Keyword is added to IPTC metadata of images saved using the 'File' menu or created via Batch Processing (though not to via batching of single files).
  • Added option in Preferences giving the choice between default and previous settings when starting the tone mapping dialog.
  • Changed the name of 'Process' button into 'Save and re-import' when source images were exported using the Lightroom plug-in and the "Automatically re-import images into Lightroom" box was checked.
  • Simplified the layout of the Batch conversion of single files and added ability to set the JPEG quality.
  • Improved panning and zooming of opened or processed images.
  • Made White Balance and Color Space settings for generating HDR image from RAWs sticky.
  • Bug fixed: Export from Lightroom plug-in stalled when the path of the photos included non-ASCII characters (e.g. German "ü" or French "é").
  • Bug fixed: Error was not returned and process stopped when exporting from Lightroom photos different in width and/or height.
  • Bug fixed: When the Lightroom plug-in's option "Go directly to Tone Mapping" was unchecked, Photomatix systematically saved the processed image and reimported it back into Lightroom even when the user specified otherwise.
  • Bug fixed: the directory of the last saved image was not remembered in some cases.
  • Bug fixed: When processing images with exposure blending and the "Align images" option was unchecked, Photomatix may still try to align the images.
  • Bug fixed: Some PSD files showed black when opened.
  • Bug fixed: selecting the "360° image" option did not correct the difference at the zenith.
  • Bug fixed: generating an HDR image from more than eight files of 21 MegaPixels each and in 16 bits/channel crashed due to insufficient memory.
  • Bug fixed: When saving image as TIFF, DateTimeOriginal tag was not written in the correct order, which made Picasa crash and GIMP return a warning.
  • Bug fixed: Exposure Blending with the Adjust method did not produce correct output when the "Shadows" setting was higher than 0 and the source images in 16 bits/channel mode.
  • Bug fixed: crash when using the 'Unwrap Mirror Ball' utility.
  • Bug fixed: Batch Processing with exposure blending 16-bit images while the output bit-depth was set to 8 did not work.
  • Bug fixed: White Balance setting was not taken into account.

4-Feb-09: Updated in v3.1.3

  • Tighter integration with Lightroom. HDR options are now set from the Lightroom plug-in and the processed image can be automatically re-imported into the Lightroom library.
  • Bug fixed: Processing files in Canon sRaw format caused an exception.
  • Bug fixed: Transfer of exif data was not always taking the information of the normal exposure.
  • Bug fixed: When tone mapping an HDR image file that was previously saved as Radiance in Photomatix Pro, the color profile was not properly embedded.
  • Bug fixed: When strip processing option had been enabled for HDR generation in batch processing, checking the blending methods at the same time made the batch return an error.
  • Bug fixed: Processing source images in the BMP format returned an error.

2-Dec-08: Updated in v3.1.2

  • Added support of RAW files from recent camera models such as the 5D Mark II and Panasonic LX-3.

18-Nov-08: Updated in v3.1.1

  • Improved display of Save Panel in 125% and 150% large font modes.
  • Bug fixed: Batch Processing sometimes failed to process PSD files.
  • Bug fixed: Exposure Blending with the 'H&S Adjust' method did not work correctly with relatively large files.
  • Bug fixed: "360° image" option was not taken into account when batch processing with the 'Adjust' blending method or when tone mapping large HDR image files opened in preview mode.
  • Bug fixed: Exposure Blending Method 'H&S Intensive' did not take into account the Strength setting.
  • Bug fixed: "Don't crop" option for aligning images did not work correctly anymore with HDR generation.
  • Bug fixed: Save Panel was not working anymore under Windows 98.

23-Oct-08: Updated in v3.1

Summary of main updates
  • New settings for blending method 'H&S - Adjust'
  • Option for automatic reduction of chromatic aberrations in HDR images
  • Option for reducing noise in HDR images
  • Settings of Details Enhancer dialog grouped in expandable views
  • Alignment method "By matching features" made more robust
  • Lightroom Export Plug-In
Detailed list of updates
  • New settings added to Exposure Blending method "H&S - Adjust": Shadows, White Clip, Black Clip, Midtones and 360° image. Note that the Strength setting has been renamed into Accentuation.
  • Added histogram window to Exposure Blending dialog. Position of histogram is sticky. When histogram is closed, can be reactivated via menu "View->8-bit Histogram".
  • Ability to obtain an image in 16 bits/channel mode when blending images in 8 bits/channel mode.
  • Option to reduce chromatic aberrations / color fringing added to "Generate HDR options" dialog. The chromatic aberrations reduction can also be directly applied to an image via the Utilities menu.
  • Updated algorithm of alignment method "By matching features" to make it more robust.
  • Improved "Highlights Smoothing" setting of Details Enhancer tone mapping method
  • Ability to use Single File Conversion to tone map single RAW files in one run directly after having created the pseudo-HDR image.
  • Added option for reducing noise in 32-bit HDR image.
  • Improved layout of Tone Mapping settings dialog for Details Enhancer by grouping settings in expandable views instead of placing them in a tab control.
  • Added support for reading 32-bit HDR images in PSD format.
  • Made path of resulting image of batch show as clickable hyperlink.
  • Added a "refresh on demand" button to tone mapping dialog when size of preview is set to either large or fit.
  • When saving a tone mapped image, added an option to save the settings in an XMP file along with the image.
  • When batch processing subfolders, made it possible to have the results saved under each one of the subfolders instead of the main parent folder.
  • Added a naming option on Batch Processing to have the name of the resulting files start with the name of the processed subfolder.
  • Added better support for reading of compressed TIFF files.
  • Ability to edit text boxes showing value of sliders on Tone Mapping and Exposure Blending dialogs.
  • In Batch Processing, added naming option for having the created file name end with sequence number.
  • Updated raw conversion to support recent camera models such as the Canon 50D, Nikon D700 and Nikon D90.
  • Availability of Lightroom Export Plug-In to Photomatix Pro.
  • Added option to Save Panel for opening saved image in another application. Option is available for 8 and 16-bit images. By default, popup menu lists imaging applications installed on computer, such as Aperture, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc. Choice is made sticky.
  • Added check for updates.
  • On dialog popping up when multiple image files are dragged to Photomatix, added option to skip dialogs for source image selection and Generate HDR options.
  • Improved support for "large font" mode.
  • Settings of Exposure Blending window are now sticky
  • JPEG quality of Batch Processing can now be set in increments of 1.
  • Ability to select up to 12 images at a time for Batch Processing.
  • Reduced RAM requirements by 3 when tone mapping with Details Enhancer a large HDR image file opened in preview mode. Tone mapping a 20,000 x 5,000 panorama requires now around 600 MB of RAM instead of almost 2 GB previously. (Note: the reduction in RAM consumption is achieved via writing to and reading from temporary files on disk which slows down the processing of large HDR image files opened in preview mode).
  • Bug fixed: Option "360° image" for Details Enhancer did not always work correctly.
  • Bug fixed: When Strength setting of Details Enhancer tone mapping method was set to a low value, setting the color saturation to zero produced an almost white image.
  • Bug fixed: Batch Processing did not return the error message associated with some error codes.
  • Bug fixed: Opening a Radiance HDR image file in preview mode sometimes crashed.
  • Bug fixed: Hourglass was not showing when tone mapping preview is refreshing
  • Bug fixed: On the HDR settings dialog invoked from Batch Processing, the "Show preview" button for White Balance did not work.
  • Bug fixed: Saving Tone Mapping settings from Tone Mapping Settings dialog did not work correctly when it was done prior to any settings change on the dialog.
  • Bug fixed: Option "Force EV values" in HDR generation settings of Batch Processing was not taken into account.
  • Bug fixed: Histogram of Tone Mapping Settings dialog did not fill the height of the histogram's box.
  • Bug fixed: On 64-bit systems, automatic search for imaging application to be listed in the combo box of the Save Panel did not look into the correct directory.
  • Bug fixed: Drag-and-drop of files with non supported extensions was possible.
  • Bug fixed: Tone Compressor was not working when applied to a 16-bit image.
  • Bug fixed: slow execution of White Balance preview from Generate HDR options dialog.
  • Bug fixed: histogram did not display correct.
  • Bug fixed: "Save aligned output" option of Batch Processing was sometimes greyed-out when it should not
  • Bug fixed: Single File Conversion did not retrieve metadata information available in HDR image files in Radiance format.
  • Bug fixed: HDR images in Radiance format created with Batch Processing or Single File Conversion did not save the name of the color profile.
  • Bug fixed: tab order of "Light Smoothing" radio buttons were not correct.
  • Bug fixed: Reading of HDR image files in Floating Point Format did not work.

12-May-08: Updated in v3.0.3

  • Bug fixed: changing Exposure Blending sliders intermittently returned exception error message on PCs with multi processors.
  • Bug fixed: Opening uncompressed Radiance .hdr files in preview mode crashed the application
  • Bug fixed: RAWs from the Sony A-200 were not correctly converted.

16-Apr-08: Updated in v3.0.2

  • Added support for RAW files from Canon 450D and Nikon D60.

7-Apr-08: Updated in v3.0.1

  • Bug fixed: 16-bit output for saving tone mapped image when HDR image file has been opened in preview mode should now be correctly taken into account.
  • Bug fixed: Detection type for ghosting reduction option should now be correctly taken into account (in v3.0, value "Normal" and "High" were mixed up).
  • Bug fixed: Default file format to save blended images when the source images are in 8 bits/channel mode should now be correctly remembered between sessions.
  • Bug fixed: Error message after changing several times the settings of the Exposure Blending dialog should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Exposure Blending with source images in the BMP format should not invert colors anymore.
  • Bug fixed: incorrect date in metadata of saved images on the 30th and 31st of the month when source images are RAW files should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: "About Photomatix Pro" item on Help menu is now available.

27-Mar-08 - Main new features in version 3.0

Improved workflow and User Interface
  • "Workflow Shortcuts" panel and addition of Tone Mapping button on HDR viewer
  • Dragging multiple image files to the Photomatix icon can automatically invoke the Generate HDR or Exposure Blending dialog.
  • Tone Mapping preview opens in a separate window with improved size controls
  • Presets menu allows quick access to user settings
  • Loupe does not replace image preview anymore. Checkbox enables to control separate refresh of preview and loupe
Second automatic alignment method
  • New alignment method is based on feature matching, and corrects for rotation in addition to translation.
  • New alignment method uses a different algorithm and approach from the first method, allowing to choose the best algorithm depending on the image. The new alignment algorithm is slower but often more accurate.
Improved Exposure Blending
  • New algorithm for method 'H&S - Adjust'. It produces natural looking results while preserving highlights and shadows details well.
  • Preview and Loupe available for all Exposure Blending methods.
  • Ability to select the images for method 'H&S - 2 images'
  • Merge of the two 'H&S - Intensive' sub-methods into one with a Strength setting added (its default value is equivalent to the formerly Light method and its maximum to the formerly Enhanced method).
  • RAW files are now supported for Exposure Blending
Improved handling of large HDR image files
  • When the size of the opened HDR image file reaches a threshold, a dialog box offers the option to open the image in preview mode. Choosing this option works similarly as formerly "Large File Processing" which has therefore been removed.
  • Size of threshold that triggers the dialog is 30 MegaPixels by default and adjustable in Preferences.
New options in Batch Processing
  • Selection of source files can now be done by files in addition to folder.
  • When the source image has a thumbnail embedded, selecting that image with the mouse shows the thumbnail.
  • Option to process bracketed images having each exposure located under a separate folder

18-Nov-07: Updated in v2.5.4

  • Added support for Raw files of new camera models, such as the Nikon D300 and Sony A-700, for instance.

23-Sep-07: Updated in v2.5.3

  • Added support for Raw files from the Canon 40D.
  • Bug fixed: tone mapped images after generating HDR from RAW files should now open fine in Photoshop Elements Organizer.

10-Sep-07: Updated in v2.5.2

  • Bug fixed: dark spots on the final image tone mapped with Details Enhancer that happened with a few images since version 2.5 should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Tone Compressor Settings window called from Batch Processing or Single File Conversion should now correctly take into account the Temperature and Saturation settings.

30-Jul-07: Updated in v2.5.1

  • Bug fixed: incorrect 16-bit output when using Details Enhancer with HDR image files including invalid zero values (e.g. Radiance files produced by PTGui Pro) should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: When saving a tone mapped image in TIFF format, the new tone mapping settings embedded as XMP metadata should now include the settings introduced in version 2.5.

18-Jul-07: Updated in v2.5

  • Six new settings for tone mapping method Details Enhancer: Color Temperature, Saturation Highlights, Saturation Shadows, Highlights Smoothing, Shadows Smoothing and Shadows Clipping. Additionally, the setting Light Smoothing has been changed from a slider to radio buttons (in order to make it clear it can not take intermediate values) and the setting Microcontrast varies differently: the maximum value of +2 in previous versions is now the same as a value of 0 in version 2.5.
  • Two new settings for tone mapping method Tone Compressor: Color Temperature and Color Saturation.
  • Information such as Camera model, DateTime original, Aperture, ISO and focal length passed through to resulting images saved as JPEG. Additionally, the information is also passed through to tone mapped images coming from an HDR image file in Radiance (.hdr) format that has been created with Photomatix Pro version 2.4.1 or higher.
  • Camera model and DateTime Original added to the information passed through to resulting images saved as TIFF.
  • Resize function available for 32-bit HDR images.
  • Updated RAW conversion code to support recent camera model such as the 1D MKIII.
  • Faster processing time and less memory usage for tone mapping method Tone Compressor.
  • Tone Mapping preview now refreshes when the "360 image" option is selected.
  • Tone mapping method Tone Compressor can now be used with "Large File Processing".
  • Ability to batch tone map hdr image files using the Tone Compressor method with Single File Conversion.
  • Added -wb argument option to the command line version to specify temperature for white balance adjustments when converting RAW files to create an HDR image using PhotomatixCL.exe. Example of use is: -wb 7500
  • Bug fixed: HDR images created from RAW files and saved as Radiance (.hdr) should now open correctly in Photoshop CS2/CS3.
  • Bug fixed: TIFF files produced by Photomatix should now open fine in Paint Shop Pro, Picture Windows and Qimage.
  • Bug fixed: Batch Processing should not stop on the 36th set anymore when processing RAW files.
  • Bug fixed: Processing RAW files from the D1X should not crash the application anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Conversion from Olympus E-400 RAW files should not produce incorrect pattern anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Processing copies of the same RAW files should now work as expected.

22-Apr-07: Updated in v2.4.1

  • Added option to default the file format to TIFF when saving an 8-bit image.
  • When HDR image is saved in the Radiance (.hdr) format, some Exif information of the source images such as the camera model, Aperture or focal length is provided in the header of the file.
  • When exposure information has not been found in source images -or one or more images have the same exposure information-, ranking of images based on the estimated Exposure Values in now more accurate.
  • Gamma slider for Details Enhancer has been extended to take values up to 0.35 (previously the maximum on the left was 0.5).
  • Changed the creation of resulting subfolders in Batch Processing and Single File Conversion so that it does not rely on Microsoft Scripting anymore. (Microsoft Scripting is still required when the "process subfolders" option is selected).
  • Bug fixed: Generate HDR using images having the same exposure values should not crash anymore.
  • Bug fixed: when misregistration is only due to translation shifts, automatic alignment (option "Align images") should now work in the special cases where it used to fail.
  • Bug fixed: Crash at the end of Large File Processing on some computers running Windows Vista and non-clean exit on WIndow XP should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: preview for white balance adjustment when RAW file is in portrait mode should now show correctly.
  • Bug fixed: Text box of semi-manual alignment on Windows Vista should not show black anymore.

22-Mar-07: Updated in v2.4

  • Option for reducing ghosting artifacts in generated HDR image. There is a separate option depending on whether the ghosts are caused by moving objects/people or periodic movements such as rippling water .
  • Slider to adjust Gamma setting when Tone Mapping with Details Enhancer.
  • Color managed display. This means that the colors of an image tagged with a color profile now show correctly in Photomatix.
  • Undo and Redo of the last settings done on Tone Mapping window.
  • Focal length of the source images as well as exposure information that did not change (usually Aperture and ISO) are passed through to the tone mapped or combined results when saved in TIFF format.
  • Options for naming of output files of Batch Processing.
  • Ability to adjust the white balance and output color space when creating an HDR image from differently exposed RAWs from HDR->Generate.
  • Updated RAW conversion to include recent camera models such as the Pentax 10D for instance.
  • Sticky settings for Batch Processing (applicable to the general settings for running the batch, and not to the HDR or Tone Mapping settings used with Batch Processing).
  • Tone Mapping settings are embedded as XMP metadata when tone mapped image is saved as TIFF file. The settings can then be viewed in Photoshop by clicking on File->Info->Advanced.
  • Ability to set in Preferences the default White Balance used for RAW conversion.
  • Added thumbnail preview of images listed on file list of source folder of Batch Processing.
  • Option in Batch Processing to leave the aligned results uncropped.
  • Changed the calculation for the option "Attempt to reverse-engineer tone curve applied" of Generate HDR, and made it available with images in 16 bits/channel mode as well.
  • Added "Cancel" button to save dialog when images is closed without having been saved.
  • Thumbnail preview on Open dialog now also shows for RAW files.
  • Option "Process subfolders" of Batch Processing now saved under the parent folder. This has for additional effect to fix the bug of resulting files being rewritten when the "Short Name" option is selected together with a custom destination folder and "Process subfolders".
  • Bug fixed: Scrolling an image to the far left or down should now stop at the end of the image.
  • Bug fixed: "As Shot" White Balance should now be closer to the expected behavior.
  • Bug fixed: Low values for the White or Black Clip settings should now be saved correctly in XMP files and as sticky settings
  • Bug fixed: When viewing a tone mapped image a 100% resolution (F9 key), the scrollable window containing the image should not change its size anymore.
  • Bug fixed: When source images are TIFF files, the exposure information in the EXIF data should now be read correctly.
  • Bug fixed: When default output bit-depth for tone mapping has been set to 16, Batch Processing should now systematically produce tone mapped image in 16-bit without having to validate the tone mapping settings.
  • Bug fixed: HDR images generated from differently exposed RAWs using HDR->Generate should now take into account the selected output color space.
  • Bug fixed: HDR images processed with the option "Strip processing" in Batch Processing should not show seams between the strips anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Option "Strip processing" of Batch Processing should not report an error message anymore when the process successfully completed.
  • Bug fixed: Shutter speed information in EXIF data should now be read properly from TIF files.
  • Bug fixed: opening greyscale JPEG images should not crash the application anymore.
  • Bug fixed: When converting a TIFF file with as extension ".tiff" to HDR with Single File Conversion, the extension of the resulting HDR image should now be correct.
  • Bug fixed: icon for the program shortcut in Windows start menu->Programs->Photomatix should now show.
  • Bug fixed: Light Smoothing and microcontrast settings in Large File Processing should now be passed correctly.
  • Bug fixed: Changing settings of the Tone Mapping preview should not reverse a maximized window to "Restore Down" anymore.
  • Cosmetic: Changed naming of two items on the View menu -- "Zoom to 100%" is now "Default Size" and "Fit to screen" is now "Full Size".
  • Cosmetic: Made tab indexing of the Tone Mapping window consistent with the layout.

12-Dec-06: Updated in v2.3.3

  • Bug fixed: TIFF file compressed with LZW or produced by Autopano should now be opened correctly. Bug had been introduced in v2.3.2.
  • Bug fixed: Kodak RAW files ("dcr" and "kcr" extensions) should now be recognized as RAW files and processed.
  • Bug fixed: Fuji S20 and S2Pro RAW files should now be processed correctly.
  • Cosmetic: Slightly increased the height of the sliders on Tone Mapping window and set to 1 the increment when clicking the slider outside the cursor, except for Strength and Saturation where it is 5.

24-Nov-06: Updated in v2.3.2

  • Added option in Batch Processing to process source image one strip at a time to avoid memory limitation when generating HDR images from large 16-bit files (this option makes Batch Processing call the command line program PhotomatixCL).
  • Ability to have Photomatix opens an image file after right-clicking the file in Windows Explorer and choosing Photomatix Pro to open it.
  • Drag-and-drop of a single RAW file which will be converted into a "pseudo" HDR image.
  • Made it possible to load RAW files with TIF extensions (Canon 1Ds and Phase One P45) as raws. Behaviour can be changed in Default Settings.
  • Updated raw conversion process to support recent camera models
  • Bug fixed: Processing linear TIFFs to HDR with Single File Conversion is now available again (had been mistakenly removed in v2.3.1).
  • Bug fixed: "Align images" option with source images having a large difference in brightness values and non-uniform histograms should not fail anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Batch Processing should now avoid loading the source images when they are RAWs and the "Generate HDR" option had not been selected.
  • Bug fixed: "SR2" and "ARW" extensions for Sony RAWs should now be recognized as valid RAW files.
  • Cosmetic: Note is shown on window for setting the alignment and curve option of Generate HDR in the case when the source images are RAW files.

16-Oct-06: Updated in v2.3.1

  • Ability to open a RAW file (from File->Open), converting it into an HDR image on the fly.
  • Added command line version of Photomatix Pro (PhotomatixCL.exe).
  • Support for RAW files when creating HDR image from menu HDR->Generate.
  • Added support for RAW files when converting from LDR to HDR on "Single File Conversion" function.
  • Bug fixed: Crash with "Combine->H&S Adjust" when option "Align images" is selected should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: "360 image" option of "Details Enhancer" when Light Smoothing is set to +1 or +2 should now work correctly.
  • Bug fixed: Crash when running Batch Processing with Fuji RAW files in portrait mode shoul not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Setting "White Clipping" after clicking on settings for "Details Enhancer in Batch Processing is now initialized to 0.25 instead of 5.0.
  • Bug fixed: TIFF files with the extension "tiff" and JPEG files with the extension "jpe" are now accepted on the Open Panel.

24-Sep-06: Updated in v2.3

  • Addition of a new tone mapping method based on a global operator (this means the new method does not enhance local contrast, but on the other hand avoids issues of noise and halos).
  • Sticky values for the settings of the Tone Mapping window.
  • Ability to zoom the tone mapped preview to get a 100% crop.
  • Added "Large File Processing" function which enables to tone map large file while benefiting from a preview.
  • Default file name of generated HDR image is created based on the filenames of the source images (or the first source image when there are more than 7 of them, or when no common root is detected).
  • The option for processing subfolders with Batch Processing does not attempt to process images in the parent folder anymore.
  • Added support for .psd files in Batch Processing and "Generate HDR" function from menu HDRI.
  • Ability to view the complete filename as tool tip on the file list of Single File Conversion and Batch Processing. Option to set the format of tone mapped files to 8-bit TIFF in Single File Conversion.
  • Color Saturation setting for Tone Mapping can now vary from 0 to 100% (previously limited to a minimum of 20%).
  • Removing control points on the semi-manual alignment has now a tolerance of 10 pixels instead of 2 to make it easier to select the point to remove.
  • Increment to a higher value added to Light Smoothing setting: it can now be set to the value +2 (i.e. "Very High").
  • Color Temperature for generating HDR image from RAW files is now defaulted to "As Shot" instead of "Daylight".
  • Added back ability to remove HDR image file after tone mapping in Batch Processing.
  • When changing source folder in Batch Processing, the number of images stays now the same as selected before instead of changing back to 3 images.
  • The settings Light Smoothing and Microcontrast Level are now in the form of a slider rather than a pull-down menu.
  • When the application window has been maximized, it now remains so the next time Photomatix is launched.
  • Added option to select even numbers of differently exposed images in Batch Processing.
  • Bug fixed: Modification of the tone mapping algorithm to address the problem of almost completely black results, or results with black borders, or white corners.
  • Bug fixed: preview for color temperature of RAW files in portrait mode is now displayed correctly.
  • Bug Fixed: Out-of-memory crash when using "H&S - Adjust" from the Combine menu with 16-bit files should not happen anymore.
  • Bug Fixed: Error when generating HDR image from photos with same exposure should not happen anymore.
  • Bug Fixed: Exposure information is now considered not found (i.e. will be estimated with Batch Processing and will have to be entered manually with Generate HDR function) when the shutter speed information retrieved from EXIF data is the same for at least two of the source images.
  • Bug Fixed: The Default Options dialog box is now a modal window. It can not be left without clicking OK or Cancel, which avoids error messages when clicking the main application menu while the dialog box is open.

18-Jun-06: Updated in v2.2.4

  • New Tone Mapping setting that smoothes out microcontrast enhancements. This has for effect of reducing Low Magnitude Noise (noise in the sky for instance).
  • Option for removing HDR image after Tone Mapping in Batch Processing.
  • Algorithm of "Generate HDR" has been improved. Improvements include a better handling of noisy LDR source images for instance.
  • HDR image created contains absolute values when exposure information (Shutter, Aperture and ISO) is available in source images.
  • Bug fixed: Combining 16-bit images with "H&S Adjust" should now correctly take into account the Blending Point setting.
  • Bug fixed: output bit-depth default is not reset anymore when OK clicked on Default Options without changes to output bit-depth.
  • Bug fixed: When the width or height are not a multiple of 4, rotation function should now work correctly
  • Bug fixed: When image is 16-bit, brightness value in "Brightness & Contrast" should now be correctly taken into account.

Updated in v2.2.3

  • New application icon.
  • Function for zooming directly to 100% and for "Fit to screen".
  • Maximum preview size option for Tone Mapping increased to 1024.
  • Ability to save the settings after having tone mapped the whole image.
  • Bug fixed: Batch Processing now outputs TIFF tone mapped files when TIFF format selected, even if output bit-depth is set to 8-bit.
  • Bug fixed: incorrect readings of White and Black clips settings from XMP files for values lower than 0.06%
  • Bug fixed: crash while changing preview size after having maximized Tone Mapping preview
  • Bug fixed: problem on computer using Unicode file naming (e.g. Chinese OS) when loading more than one image at a time from the Open panel
  • Bug fixed: crash when aligning more than 3 images with same brightness level.

28-Mar-06: Updated in v2.2.2

  • RAW support of new camera models.
  • More gradual effect when varying setting Microcontrast of Tone Mapping.
  • Bug fixed: Completely blank tone mapped output should not happen anymore.
  • Bug fixed: Tone Mapping using "Single File Conversion" now also works when file path includes spaces.

13-Feb-06 - Main addition to v2.2

  • Generation of HDR images from differently exposed RAWs of most digital cameras (in batch mode). White Balance and output color space settings can be adjusted.
  • Ability to save the settings used for Tone Mapping in XMP files. Settings can then be loaded for tone mapping, both from the interface and in batch mode.
  • Option to enlarge the preview of the Tone Mapping. The preview size can be set in the defaults.
  • Ability to drag-and-drop image files from Windows Explorer.
  • Reduced memory needed to perform tone mapping by about 40% in batch mode and 20% from the interface.
  • Smoothing setting for the Tone Mapping can now take a higher value, which often gives a more "natural" look to the tone mapped result. (Note: The meaning of the values has been changed. A value "Medium" corresponds to what used to be "High" in v2.1, and a value of "Very Low" to what used to be "Low").

29-Nov-05: Updated in v2.1

  • Faster and more robust automatic alignment tool. Now available as option when running any image combination and in the batch processing as well. (The "old" alignment tools are still available for cases when rotation is involved.)
  • Color profile of input images is embedded into the resulting image produced by Photomatix.
  • Ability to set the EV spacing when generating an HDR image via the batch processing.
  • Tone Mapping settings now available in the batch processing.
  • HDR viewer shows the RGB values
  • Batch conversion for processing single files (as opposed to bracketed images with the Batch processing). It converts HDR images into tone mapped jpegs or tiffs. It also converts single RAW files into HDR images.
  • Option for a short version of the file name under which result of batch processing are saved.
  • Addition of an HDR Histogram adpated to HDR images. It diplays the frequency of the logarithm base 2 of the HDR values and shows the relative EV.
  • Modification of the way the dynamic range is calculated. Now takes the percentiles 0.2 and 99.95 instead of the absolute minimum and maximum.
  • Bug fixed: Generating an HDR image from the interface now works OK with large files
  • Bug fixed: Grayscale images are now processed correctly
  • Bug fixed: Only files with processed formats show on the folder content of the Batch Processing panel

10-Apr-05: Updated in v2.0.5

  • Slider that controls the strength of local contrast enhancement of the Tone Mapping
  • Ability to revert to the parameters set the last time the Tone Mapping ran
  • Option "360º image" available when the tone mapped image is a 16-bit tiff
  • More settings for the Tone Mapping in the Batch processing
  • Ability to select just one set of input images from the source folder in the Batch processing

5-Feb-05: Updated in v2.0.4

  • Ability to view HDRI at different exposures (+/- 1-fstop increments)
  • Bug fixed: HDRIs generated from 48-bit linear images showed banding when saved in OpenEXR format
  • Bug fixed: could not open uncompressed Radiance RGBE files in some cases

Updated in v2.0.3

  • Read/Write support for OpenEXR and Floating Point TIFF formats
  • Ability to generate an HDR Image without having to open the LDR files (recommended to save memory and speed up processing times)
  • Unwrap tool for remapping mirror ball HDRI to Latitude/Longitude format
  • Rotation tool for both LDR and HDR images
  • Crop tool enabled for HDR images

September 04: Updated in v2.0

Main new additions
  • Generation of a High Dynamic Range image (96-bit) from a sequence of 24- or 48-bit images
  • Tone Mapping tool adapted to scenes with a particularly high dynamic range
  • HDR viewer in the form of a pop-up window that shows the content of an HDR image
  • Ability to set the radius of blending method "H&S Details - Adjust"
  • Exposure information shown on the "Image Property" panel
  • Batch processing of 48-bit TIFF files
  • Improved interface for "H&S Details - Adjust": bigger preview and ability to swith between preview at low resolution and a partial preview at image resolution.
  • Read/Write support of 96-bit HDR image in the Radiance RGBE format
  • Reading of LZW compressed TIFF files enabled
Bugs fixed
  • Alignment tool was not enabled when processing 48-bit images
  • Slider shifts for "H&S Details - Adjust" gave inconsistent results in some cases
  • Brightness/Contrast produced incorrect results

20-Nov-03 - Main update in v1.3

  • Addition of an alignment tool

July 03 - Main update in v1.2

  • Addition of batch processing
  • Photomatix renamed into 'Photomatix Pro'

March 03 - Main update in v1.1

  • Addition of 'Auto' H&S blending method

3-Feb-03 - Photomatix 1.0